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If you need a job now, set yourself up for success and make sure you are putting your best foot forward with a professional resume email address.
Don’t be in a rush and desperate to send off that résumé! As a recruiter, I generally spend around 30 seconds looking at your qualifications.
The first thing that jumps out is the email address you use on your resume.
You don’t want your resume thrown away before it’s reviewed. Prove your worth before the recruiter picks up the phone. Keep yourself in the running for great jobs with these easy tips for the perfect email address.
1. Choose Which Hobbies You Share Wisely
If you’re going to use an email address that has to do with one of your hobbies, make sure it’s an appropriate hobby. Inappropriate examples? Here are some I’ve come across: ‘420king’, ‘rockuhard’ and ‘Willing2please’. Yes, these are immediate red flags and give the wrong preconception to the employer.
A good recruiter should have you change your inappropriate emails before submitting you to their hiring managers. Since that doesn’t always happen, make sure you’re mindful of listed hobbies.
2. Don’t Mention Motherhood
A resume email address that implies motherhood should avoided. I’m not heartless; seems like not a big deal right? Let’s look at this mom’s seemingly innocent email address: ‘Mommyworker’. This is much more telling to a recruiter than you know.
To you, the applicant, it might mean you are a strong woman ready to take on the world. However, to a recruiter, the mind could run wild with questions about home situations, your age and your kid’s age. Will you be calling out a lot? Make sure the recruiter stays focused on your resume, not your hypothetical home life. Age, religion, sex, race and gender are all protected rights.
Recruiters should be unbiased and are trained to be. Unfortunately for applicants, choices are ultimately left to the recruiter’s discretion.
3. Don’t Include Your Profession in Your Resume Email Address
What happens if you suddenly need to apply to something outside of your chosen field? ‘Techy4hire’ is wildly inappropriate if you suddenly need to apply for a customer service job.
In the eyes of a recruiter, each job requires a set of different skills. When looking over 100’s of resumes and I need only one candidate, I want to pick the person who is most passionate about the role. ‘Techy4hire’ just worked against you, especially if I need a touchy-feely customer service person. You might have the exact experience needed, but you just got passed up.
4. Excessive Numbers and Odd Spelling
If it takes more than a minute to verify the spelling of your email address, the recruiter is going to get annoyed. Definitely not the tone you want on your first phone interview.
It’s imperative that we have the correct information on file. Because of that HR will sometimes verify an email address.
Incredibly, time sensitive information goes out via email. The power of automation is rearing into HR.
Background checks, offer letters and negotiated salaries are often sent by email and this requires quick action. Keep it simple for everyone.
5. Be Mindful of Your Industry Niches
Designers, creators, editors, as well as bloggers, should have an email address that includes their own custom domain. As a recruiter, I would expect a graphic designer applicant to have not only have a portfolio, but also a personal website.

Email addresses such as mine: show that I take myself seriously. Recruiters appreciate the effort. Appear polished and professional when you are promoting your own brand which is you!
What Does a Great Resume Email Address Look Like?
When you are creating an email address, a smart idea is to take the opportunity to highlight a work related attribute or strength. ‘Samlearns4life’ suggests a thirst for knowledge. ‘Caringworker4hire’ highlights your compassionate nature. Both are great employee attributes.
However, an email address such as ‘Princess4life@’, may suggest a combative personality and or someone who is unresponsive to training. See how that works?
If You’re Guilty, Forgive Yourself. A good resume email address is just clicks away.
If you have made these emails mistakes, don’t fret. I call people with questionable email addresses all the time. Chalking it up to naïvety, but at some point in your career that no longer flies. Nip it now. Keep neutral with your email address to easily pass go on a résumé check. Don’t give a recruiter anything other than your shining experience to consider.
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- How to Start a WordPress Blog on Bluehost
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Are you guilty of these mistakes? Have you ever been embarrassed by your own email address during an interview?
Questions and comments are always welcome. I really hope that this post helped and will get you closer to financial freedom!
My Go-To Resources
Recruiting Skills Made Simple Working at home is the new norm! Wouldn’t it be great to have a career where you are your own boss?! When you’re a recruiter you can work in any industry you want and have complete control of your schedule. Get all my tips and tricks in Recruiting Skills Made Simple. A complete guide to starting your new recruiting career or side hustle. You can succeed and make money doing something you love. I’ll show you exactly how I’ve been successful in recruiting for the last ten years!
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Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing There are tons of ways to make money on your blog. If you want to make money by promoting a company or product you need Michelle’s course Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. I didn’t actually start earning money from blogging till I took this course. Save yourself from frustration, Michelle has it figured out for us.