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100 best money saving tips100 Ways to save more money. best Money saving tipsWith 100 best tips to save money, you will reap the reward of watching your bank account grow year after year. Use my fun tips to make a difference in your life and finances. Don’t you feel great when you walk into a store and all the sales clerks are welcoming and smiling at you? Don’t be fooled! They want your money.

You don’t have to be the victim of salespeople and junk buys! Use these tips to save money

1- Don’t carry cash. 
2- Transfer most of your leftover money into your savings account.
3- Don’t get coffee from a fancy shop. Get a good cup at McDonald’s or bring your own.
4- Bring your lunch to work.
5- Carpool.
6- Eat vegetarian at least twice a week.
7- Grocery shop only with a list.
8- Write a list of questions for your doctor & avoid repeat visits.
9- Shop in goodwill stores for fun quirky items.
10- Hunt for garage & estate sales.
11- Buy plain clothing at target and embellish it yourself
12- Don’t pay for expensive parking…weigh if it’s cheaper to ride the train in.
13- Grow your hair long and skip the salon frequency.
14- Cut your nails short and buff them.
15- Do your own waxing with a wax kit.
16- Do your own pedicures or reciprocate with a friend.
17- Visit your insurance agent to see what you’re actually covered for.
18- Drop the gym and enjoy the outdoors.
19- Go on a camping vacation instead of a hotel.
20- Make your own curtains out of bulk fabric and use iron-on hemming tape.
21- Buy clothes that fit and skip the tailor.
22- Buy no-iron clothes and skip the dry cleaner.
23- Buy inexpensive picture frames and paint/decorate them to fit your decor.
24- Implement intermittent fasting and only eat 8 hours a day or less.
25- Make a cocktail at home before you go out to eat.
26- Empty your car so you’re not spending extra on gas to lug the junk all over town.
27- Wash your own car; you will be more in tune with it.
28- Don’t buy movies. Rent from Redbox.
29- Cut the cable.
30. Cut out snacks.
31- Barter your services
32- Do your own taxes if they are simple.
33- Take vitamin D3 so that you don’t get sick.
34- Walk the mall but don’t go to the stores.
35- Go to the movies before 5 if you have to go at all.
36- Always google coupons before you shop online.
37- Look on Groupon to see if there is cheap entertainment.
38- Buy a frisbee and enjoy the park.
39- Go on a hike and pack your lunch and water.
40- Have dinner in a park with the kids and spouse.
41- Pick up a pizza and enjoy it in the park.
42- Take pictures of your clothes and shoes so you don’t buy more of the same.
43- Invest in a great winter and summer bag and skip the junk.
44- Invest in a great winter coat and skimp on the jeans and t-shirts.
45- Wear v-neck white t-shirts & jeans and you’ll always look classic.
46- Shop at Nordstrom Rack or OFF Saks for great moccasins or flats.
47- Buy one set of timeless jewelry and skip the junk jewelry.
48- Go to the library and read their magazines.
49- Go to the library and check out books and movies to have an uncluttered house.
50- Take turns with friends at your houses for cocktail fun.
51- Brush up on tax deductibles and take advantage of them.
52- Floss your teeth morning and night and keep those costly dentist bills manageable.
53- Crank up the music and clean your own house instead of using a maid.
54- Use vinegar and water instead of some household cleaning agents.
55- Think before you buy something. Where will you put it?
56- Only have one pair of sheets for each bed. Wash and replace…less work folding.
57- Only have one set of towels per bathroom. Again no folding and storing.
58- Don’t own a lot of clothes- you only wear your favorites anyway.
59- Look for prescription eyewear online where it can be super cheap.
60- Buy pet food in bulk when it’s on sale or price check Amazon.
61- Play with your pets to keep them healthy and fit to minimize the vet bills.
62- Skip dining out and take the family out for ice cream instead.
63- When you have a bbq provide the hot dogs and hamburgers and let friends and family bring sides and dessert.
64- If you can’t afford the internet go to the library and use theirs.
65- Put your children in public school and help out their teacher to stay in touch.
66- Get a slip and slide and have your kid’s summer birthday parties in your yard.
67- Drink water with lemon & skip sodas in restaurants. You’ll be able to afford dessert.
68- Don’t throw away veggies- make a great soup before they spoil.
69- Set the timer when you take a shower to save on water.
70- Watch the weather and don’t let your sprinklers go on after a rainy day.
71- Clean your windows, pull back the curtains, and let the light in to not waste electricity.
72- Buy a bag of fruit instead of individual pieces.
73- Buy bulk rice and staples that can sit for a year in your pantry.
74- Paint one side of your house yourself every year ( the same color haha).
75- Buy stencils and create your own wall decor instead of buying wallpaper.
76- Buy fringe to glue on to the rim of your lampshades for a new look.
77- Use wet tea bags to antique fabrics that look too white/generic.
78- Get your coworkers to get on board to save money so you’re not competing.
79- Start an office weight support group…bring in a scale and everyone weigh in once a week. You can all keep track of your own weight so no one has to know.
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80- Cut out all your bad habits…smoking, sodas, junk food.
81- Clean out your house and garage and have a garage sale with friends.
82- Walk to the grocery store so you’ll buy less and get your exercise at the same time.
83- Buy baby and small children’s plastic toys at garage sales.
84- Tear holes in your faded old jeans and you’ll be right in style.
85- Use the fabric from clothes you don’t like and make something out of it.
86- Don’t buy any pricey boxed or packaged food, create your treats from the produce department.
87- Trade clothes, toys, and household items with friends and family. You can set up a shop in your house and each person can label items to indicate what they want for them. You can use a number chart for the worth. 1 point, 2 points, 3 points…No money exchanged, just value by points. So a bike can be 10 points and a pair of jeans 2 points…
88- Install a Nest thermostat to save energy.
89- Watch Youtube videos on how to fix things yourself and avoid the pricey handyman.
90- Start a container garden and grow all your own fresh herbs.
91- Men can buy an electric razor for shaving.
92- Send out e-cards instead of holiday and birthday cards.
93- Have your children participate in the chores- and always reward them with “a family that works together plays together”.
94. Make quick money online using reputable sites like SurveyJunkie 
95- Set up your bills to be paid online in advance so that you never have a late fee.
96- Replace all your light bulbs with LED bulbs.
97- Get rid of any duplicates…get rid of extra cars and phones, extra cable boxes…
98- Decide on your meal menu by what’s on sale.
99- Use your crock-pot or pressure cooker and you can buy tougher cuts of meat.
100- The less you go out, the less you’ll spend.
101- Think about where you’re going to spend your day and what will likely happen.
102- Put all your loose change and extra dollars in a cookie jar and add a wish list.
103- Pay your bills online to save on postage.

Opportunities to save money are everywhere and it’s up to us to seek them out. Be proactive in your spending and consider all options before making a purchase.

I never buy anything unless it’s 50% off the sale price. This is easily accomplished by sticking to the clearance section of most websites. What are your best tips to save money? I’d love to add them to my arsenal. 

100 Unique money saving tips.

My Favorite Program to Save Money

1. Rakuten – Is the easiest way to get cashback and save on literally 1,000’s of different websites and products daily. Cashback ranges between 1%-20%, potentially free shipping included, and you will receive $10.00 instantly for signing up through The Rising Damsel. I even saved us $45 bucks this month on our new microwave using Rakuten!! And it’s completely free to use.

2. Ibotta – You can instantly claim $10.00 with Ibotta just for signing up through The Rising Damsel. Unlock coupons, and get cash back on your purchases. I save at least $15.00 a month using Ibotta and the potential to earn is everywhere. It definitely adds up, and make you more conscious of your spending.

Is Food Delivery Right For Your Family?

Easy Tricks to Keep More Money in Your Bank Account. best money saving tipsI did a cost analysis on Amazon food delivery service. My family not only saves on food but time and stress. We live next to one of the busiest Targets in the nation… not battling carts and people after work is saving grace. Amazon food delivery provides fresh, inexpensive options right to my front door. 

Things to consider: gas, your time, and purchase cost (which all add up). With AmazonFresh food delivery, you can skip the physical shopping hassle, avoid the lines, and save money by not being tempted by impulse buying.

Amazon Guarantees delivery within 2 hours. With Amazon’s recent acquisition of Whole Foods, I foresee even more healthy options and product availability. The monthly fee is now $14.99 for unlimited deliveries as a standalone and only $10.99/ month with Prime. If you aren’t already a Prime or AmazonFresh member it can add seriously valuable time back into your life.

By implementing these tips you will increase your financial stability considerably. Wouldn’t it be great to not worry if the car breaks down? Keep more money in your wallet and avoid all the ‘pickpockets’ out there tempting you with things you don’t need.

Want Part 2 of keeping that jingle in your pocket?

100 best Money Saving Tips ListOpen Your Heart – Not Your Wallet. Keep That Jingle in Your Pocket Part 2 – Learn to say no without a fight to overbearing friends, obligations and money pits. Keep the money you earn!

What has your family done that has saved you a considerable amount of money? Do you find that it’s easier to save for a specific item or live a cheaper lifestyle? I’d love to hear your best tips to save money.

Don’t forget when you Subscribe to The Rising Damsel, you will get access to The Rising Damsel’s Library, exclusive debt tracking, savings, and wellness printables you won’t find anywhere else.

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If you are looking for a free Tailwind Tribe try The Rising Damsel’s brand new one: Promote Your Blog – A Rising Damsel Tribe. Much Love!! Together we will be great! 

Questions and comments are always welcome. I really hope this post inspired you. Pin it for later to help you save money now and later.

My Go-To Resources

Rakuten Coupons deals and cashback. When you’re shopping online if you aren’t stacking your savings, you’re losing serious money. Get rebates from 1%-20%+ on thousands of stores and get $10.00 for signing up.

Recruiting Skills Made Simple Working at home is the new norm! Wouldn’t it be great to have a career where you are your own boss?! When you’re a recruiter you can work in any industry you want and have complete control of your schedule. Get all my tips and tricks in Recruiting Skills Made Simple. A complete guide to starting your new recruiting career or side hustle. You can succeed and make money doing something you love. I’ll show you exactly how I’ve been successful in recruiting for the last ten years!

Tailwind Tailwind is my favorite marketing tool. Tailwind allows you to schedule your content to Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. It’s one of the most highly effective tools to help bloggers grow their influence on the internet. If you’re interested in your own free month-long trial you can get access to the awesome power of Tailwind here for free.

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing If you want to make money by promoting a company or product, you need Michelle’s course Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. It was an extremely valuable resource to me, even though I did 1,000+ hours of research. The money didn’t actually start coming in till I took this course. Save yourself from frustration, Michelle has it figured out for us.

100 Best Tips to Save Money and Keep the Jingle in Your Pocket
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26 thoughts on “100 Best Tips to Save Money and Keep the Jingle in Your Pocket

  • June 22, 2017 at 8:40 pm

    This is definitely a very interesting blog post to say the least!! You’ve got a lot of great tips!

    • June 23, 2017 at 7:43 am

      Wow thank you! I appreciate you stopping in and for the comment. Made my day.

  • June 22, 2017 at 10:49 pm

    You’ve got some fun and creative ones here! I especially like #62. Who says you need to go out for dinner?! Similarly, my husband and I often opt for drink or dessert dates, as opposed to dinner. We can go out to coffee and get a super schmamzy coffee each, feel all fancy and papered, and the whole date cost like $9! Good deal. 🙂

    • June 23, 2017 at 7:46 am

      That’s genius I like your take on it much better. Thanks for the idea! There’s a French place with that written all over it. Thanks for stopping in and commenting.

  • June 23, 2017 at 8:21 pm

    Oh goodness, I definitely need this list! Lots of great ideas I should start putting into my daily practice. Thanks for sharing!

    • June 24, 2017 at 5:24 pm

      Happy to. Really glad that you enjoyed them. Always great to have saving tips in the back of our brains 🙂 Thanks for stopping in.

  • June 24, 2017 at 5:55 am

    Such great tips and so many that I don’t follow unfortunately. My husband and I are going to work on a new budget this weekend and I am going to keep your list handy!! 🙂 Thanks!

    • June 24, 2017 at 5:23 pm

      Amazing! Glad to hear that. I think they will really help. So many ways we can all make little changes for huge results. Thanks for stopping in.

  • June 24, 2017 at 8:07 am

    I love how each suggestion is so easy. Every little bit really can add up. And I fully support cutting cable. We did 8 years ago and I love it.

    • June 24, 2017 at 5:22 pm

      Absolutely. Such a money drain! Really a waste of time too. Though I do get addicted to netflix. Thanks for stopping in.

    • June 24, 2017 at 5:20 pm

      Right? So easy to use. We use it all the time. Thanks for stopping in.

  • June 25, 2017 at 9:59 am

    Thank you for the amazon tip for food. I hate buying my fruit at the local Walmart because it never lasts long, so I will look into this.

    • June 25, 2017 at 8:35 pm

      Absolutely! So glad that it might help you out. I can never find produce at Walmart either, and like you said it just goes bad so quickly. Thanks for stopping in.

    • June 25, 2017 at 8:58 pm

      Definitely. So much cheaper at home. We’ve been doing tons of wok entries. I felt so dumb spending money at Pei Wei. It’s so easy to just throw anything in a skillet. As long as you have a decent sauce and rice, it saves us $40 bucks a week. So much better on our organs to not stress them out with all that meat too. Thanks so much for stopping in and commenting.

  • June 25, 2017 at 3:49 pm

    I love you his list! Some totally new (to me, at least…) tips. I’ve never taken vitamin D3 before, and I get sick all the time. I’m going to give it a try!! Thanks! 🌷

    • June 25, 2017 at 9:01 pm

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it, and are inspired to take D3. My parents swear by it. I can’t remember the last time any of us were sick. We get it at Costco, but Sprouts has discounts on vitamins quite often if you check. I hope that you feel better. Thanks for commenting.

  • June 26, 2017 at 10:34 am

    love this article, I will look back to this list again! Just talking about amazon fresh also. cant beat the prime/fresh price. would def. easily double that with gas/impulse buys! thanks!

    • June 26, 2017 at 10:46 am

      Absolutely so true. Impulse buys for me usually involve the foliage in the front,those cute little succulents. You can’t beat prime/fresh I was taken aback by the affordability. Thanks so much for stopping in and commenting.

  • June 26, 2017 at 11:07 am

    Great round up. Some of these I already do. Some of these are new ideas. Thanks! Pinning!

    • June 26, 2017 at 11:16 am

      Absolutely. I’m glad you enjoyed and thanks for sharing!

  • September 11, 2017 at 10:13 pm

    What a great post, the information is well organized and very comprehensive. I can imagine the effort you put into this and especially appreciate you sharing it.

    • September 12, 2017 at 12:09 pm

      Thanks Sneha! I appreciate the compliment. Thanks so much for stopping in, and I’m so glad you found the tips helpful.


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