The Liebster Award. The Rising DamselI have been Liebster’d! Thank you to Paula from The Value of a Moment for nominating me. The Liebster provides an amazing opportunity for fellow bloggers to engage each other in an ever evolving community. Paula has asked me to answer 5 questions so that you all can get to know my blog a little bit better. I hope you enjoy, and don’t forget to check out my nominees at the bottom of the post.

  • Describe your perfect day.

Well if we are talking perfect, we are talking about waking up in France. I crave freedom from corporations. Blogging all day in a café is the end plan. The culture in Europe is so inspiring, living abroad is something I’ve always desired. We would definitely partake in the fresh markets and vibrant lifestyle, snapping pictures and living a dream life. Blogging will always be a huge part of me, so the perfect day would also incorporate some sort of giveaway to help my fellow bloggers grow their reach and traffic.

  • What is your WHY behind your blog?

I want to help people and I want to be independent. A blog provides the perfect medium for us all to do both. I originally started with a craft blog. Then I realized that a lot of people were trying to navigate their careers, while trying to become financially independent. My love of blogging, HR, and sharing what I know lead me to start The Rising Damsel. 

  • What is the most impressive thing you know how to do?

Definitely not giving myself compliments. 

  • What 3 shows are your favorites?

Bob’s Burgers. Louise is my spirit animal. My fiancé loves it too. At any given point either of us can break out in song and count on the other to complete the verse. 

The Flash.  Soooo many stories have been redone a 1,000 times. When I first watched The Flash I fell in love with the characters, then the storyline kept me glued to my couch for 2 days straight. I’ve always been a fan of more fantastical shows and movies like Harry Potter. With fantasy anything can be explained into understanding.

Everybody Loves Raymond. Debra calling Ray an ‘IDIOT’ is my favorite thing ever. Honestly that show showed me a lot about how to handle difficult people. It also showed me that people can argue but still respect and love each other.

  • If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at getting a gold medal in?

Being on the computer and working on my blog. Often times I have to peel myself away. Definitely wouldn’t surprise me if I worked on blog related things for 10-12 hours a day. It’s so easy to work on something you are passionate about. I know that with persistence it’s possible to make this a career. My gold medal will be my ability to work at home for the rest of my life, free of a corporation.

Here’s the fun part!

I get to select 5 Blogger’s who I find inspiring to share with all of you. Their blogs are unique, genuine, and I gain valuable tips, motivation and guidance from them daily. 

Liebster 2017 Rules: Please link back and thank the person who nominated you. Answer all the questions that you’ve been asked. When you’re done, please nominate 5 bloggers who have less than 200 followers for a Liebster Award. Notify those who won of the news, and send them your own 5 questions. Ps. You can be nominated more than once.

A Girl’s Escape
The HC Lifestyle Blog
Nomad Weekends
Sylvia Marcia
Brittany O’Barr

I definitely wanted to provide an outlet for you to promote yourself, so be proud and loud. Here are the questions for my nominees:

  1. What’s your self-described niche and what makes you passionate about it?
  2. Have you monetized your blog? Why or why not?
  3. What’s one thing you hope to get across to your readers?
  4. Are you working on any freebies for us to sign up for?
  5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

Thank You

Thank you again so much to Paula from The Value of a Moment. I am so grateful for this opportunity to collaborate on a deeper level with all of you.

If you are looking for a way to change your life and take your financial future into your own hands, starting a blog is the best way to grab that freedom. Run your own advertisements, sign up for affiliate networks and start pulling in money doing what you love. Use my helpful guide to get set up with WordPress and Bluehost Start Your Own Blog with Bluehost.  

Want tips to get your finances on track and organize your life? You will love these posts:

Congratulations to my fellow Liebster receivers; it means the world to have a community of growth! Be kind to your fellow bloggers, it will be reciprocated. Much love till next time!

When you Subscribe to The Rising Damsel, you will get access to The Rising Damsel’s Library and the exclusive Social Media Scorecard! It’s the only one of it’s kind to help you track all your social media in one place. Learn more about it in this post: Skyrocket Your Traffic Using The Ultimate Social Media Scorecard. Take all the mystery and struggle away when you share enough! 

What have you done that has gotten you tons of traffic to your site? Use these tips to make sure that you are including what you need to make your post go viral every time! 

Be sure and find The Rising Damsel on Pinterest! You can also subscribe for future free printables, and exclusive content using the ‘Subscribe’ button in the right column. Join my Facebook Group Connect and Share for Success. I’d love to help spread your content. If you are looking for a free Tailwind Tribe try The Rising Damsel’s brand new one: Promote Your Blog – A Rising Damsel Tribe. Much Love!! Together we will be great! 

Questions and comments are always welcome. I really hope this post inspired you. 

My Go-To Resources

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing to earn money blogging. There are tons of ways to make money on your blog. If you want to make money by promoting an affiliate, you need Michelle’s course Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. It was an invaluable resource to me despite 1,000+ hours of research on how to earn. The money didn’t actually start coming in till I took this course. Save yourself from frustration, Michelle has it figured out for us.

Ebates Coupons deals and cash back. When you’re shopping online if you aren’t stacking your savings, you’re losing serious money. Get rebates from 1%-20%+ on thousands of stores and get $10.00 for signing up. I won’t shop without Ebates. 

Swagbucks Use my link to get $5.00 just for signing up. With Swagbucks you can browse the app, watch videos, take surveys, and play games. Swagbucks pays out in gift cards which makes it really easy to collect your earnings. *Protip* Best way to spend your Swagbucks is on a $5.00 Amazon gift cards they are only 450 points, and cheaper in comparison to other offers. (Personal savings and a great affiliate program).

Ibotta! I save on all my staples from eggs, to paper towels, to coffee and even uber rides!. With Ibotta you just snap a picture of your shopping receipt and match it with current deals available online. Get $10 just for signing up through The Rising Damsel. Redeem your first $10 by verifying a purchase from any of their stores. It’s an obsession. 

We Have Been Nominated for The Liebster Award
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