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blog title templates to boost your statsWhen you start to blog, it’s difficult to wrap your head around what’s “absolutely necessary” for success! Free blog post titles will help set you up for success while you discover your style.

Going viral happens overnight but make sure that you have the correct elements in place for people to easily share your blog and stay viral. Blog titles are what will grab a new readers attention and getting them to explore your blog. 


Start taking advantage of SEO with great blog post titles and by using my blog title templates

You need to get readers to your blog. Search engines are there to direct people to your site.

Correctly optimized blog titles will drive even more people to view your content, simply because your blog titles seem more relevant to what people are looking for. Search engines will want to provide your website as a solution to someone’s internet query and that’s how you start to rank on google.

A great blog post title will draw your reader in and tempt them with a benefit. Once you have SEO in mind for your titles your blog with prosper for it. Let’s get started so that you can create viral content with a viral blog post title every time. 

1. Ensure That Your Blog Post Titles Match Your Content

It’s easy to come up with a great post title, but what if it doesn’t entirely match the content you’ve written about? You should scrap it, or save it for a different post.

This happens more often than not when trying to write an affiliate post or guest post.

Be proactive and, don’t mislead people with your titles. “Free Guide to Boost Your Traffic and Gain Influence!” is a decent title, but only if you actually provide said free actionable guide and it’s not just click bait.

Never, ever use click bait as a blog title. Deliver what you promise. Always want to give your reader a solution to a problem, never just a promise.

2. Organize Your Blog Posts Into Topics So Readers Know What to Expect

Organizing doesn’t have to be difficult. The first thing you need to decide is how often you want to post to your blog, and if you are sticking to one topic or alternating.

Make a list of 10 different blog posts you want to complete. This will keep your mind on the prize while writing each of your posts.

Take a look at your list and see if the topics relate to each other at all. If so, that means you can set up your posts to alternate between your favorite topics. For instance:

1: Family tips 
2: Savings
3: Traveling
4: Recipes

With this type of schedule your readers will know exactly what to expect and therefore can tune in to the topics they love and hopefully stay for your other words of knowledge too.

With catchy titles and topics on rotation people are more likely to stick around.

Ready to make a life change? Breeze through an easy setup to get you earning.Start earning your financial independence. Read my post Start a WordPress blog with Bluehost to get started.

3. Make Blog Post Titles Descriptive But Not Redundant

Make your title tempting! Let’s look at an example:

100 Free Attention Grabbing Blog Titles

“Tips to Make You a Good Blogger” – Boooooooring. We’ve seen a million of these posts right? In this example we have “tips”, “good” and “blogger” none of these words will gain credibility on search engines simply because everyone of them is used all the time. 

“7 Tips to increase your credibility as a starting blogger” – In this case we are successfully quantifying the post with the amount of tips given also the word ‘credibility’ is a good keyword as well as directing “new” readers to your post.

Know your audience and figure out which words they are most likely to search for. Easy fix: What do YOU search for? 

You want your post titles to evoke emotion from your reader and get them to click. People usually click for very simple reasons, like curiosity or gain. 

4. Explore Search Engine Optimization Tools

The best blog post titles draw your reader in and gets them to click. That’s obvious isn’t it?

But what makes someone want to click is based on what the reader is looking to gain from reading your post or clicking your pin.

Start by thinking about what you would type into google to end up at your article.

9 ways to create attention grabbing titlesYou want to be the solution to their question, so you need to align your blog title to what that person or most people are looking for in reference to your keyword.

Googleadwords is a fantastic resource to spy on what the most common keyword searches are.

Another way to think of SEO is to think of it like “Family Feud”. You want to use the word most people associate with a situation to score the most points. Or in this case to get pulled up first in a google search. 

You might associate one word with something but that doesn’t mean everyone does. Adwords will help you find great SEO keywords that are related to your topic. 

Use popular keywords in your niche and your SEO will begin to take care of itself. It’s easier than it sounds, I promise. 

Interested in lifestyle tips? You’ll love these!

5. Think About Keywords For SEO Like You Think About Your Hashtags

When a hashtag is popular and used often that means tons of people are utilizing it at all times. When someone searches that hashtag or keyword and if you weren’t the most recent person to post, you will be lower down in the search results.

I’m not saying you should avoid popular keywords and hashtags. Use a variation of the more popular keywords in order to be more relevant in search engines for a longer period.

Adwords will be a great resource for you, so don’t disregard the easy to use program. Think about the words you search, as you are part of your own audience, and see how they fair in Adwords. You might be surprised just how popular certain keywords are.

For an extensive list of hashtags, and helpful printables check out: Watch Your Traffic Explode With the Power of Hashtags! it details an array of helpful hashtags in many niches. 

6. Make Your Blog Posts Pinnable Every Time!

Guide to create clickable blog post titles

Pinterest is a huge game changer for your blog, your followers and people who decide to follow you. Your blog post titles need to be on point but if your images aren’t formatted to share on pinterest.

Hardcore pinners, that are looking for quality content, won’t have time to write your pin descriptions. Use your alt description to detail what the post is about EVERY TIME, ON EVERY PICTURE.

Small images do not look good on pinterest, they aren’t as shareable and they look unprofessional. You NEED to be making pins for all of your posts, pins that are at least 700 x 1200 pixels are best. A larger/ longer pin is more pinnable and will have a much higher repin rate.

Make at least 1 pin for every post. Tailwind create makes that super easy with locked and loaded templates. Tailwind is my favorite marketing tool.

Tailwind allows you to schedule your content to Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. It’s one of the most highly effective tools to help bloggers grow their influence on the internet. If you’re interested in your own free month-long trial you can get access to the awesome power of Tailwind here for free. To learn all about my daily Pinterest activity to gain me over 3million monthly views see here

7. Use Yoast for SEO

I would absolutely recommend getting the Yoast SEO plugin as this will drastically increase the quality of your blog posts, links, pictures, written grammar, and even post structure.

The program is free. It’s a simple plugin that will analyze your post top to bottom. Another benefit of Yoast is that it will rate your post’s SEO quality score and make suggestions to improve search engines ability to find your post. 

Here are some Blog Post Titles to get you started! Just enter your information and you’re set. To get the entire list of 100 please subscribe at the top of the blog or in the right column.

10.____ (#) ways to succeed in ____ (career, objective)

11.____ (# objects) things that have improved life

12.Why I decided to break away from ___ (action) and how you can too

13.____ (#) secrets you weren’t taught in school about ____ (subject)

14.The most valuable information you learned from ____ (person, movie, book)

15.____ (#) ___ (adjective) conversations to have with ____ (person) to better your life. (boss, spouse, friend, sister)

16.____ (#) quotes from _____ (pick your favorite author or influencer)

17.Quick and easy ways to live a clutter free life

18.____ (#) Exercises to do when you are ready to feel ____ (emotion)

19.____ (#) Amazing reasons to go back to school and why now is the time

20.Why I’m proud I ____ (event) and how you can achieve (objective) too

Subscribe to get my best SEO tip! It’s especially necessary if you haven’t followed any of these rules in the past.

Viral post title rules to go viral

Now if you’re thinking this sounds easy but you’re still unsure where to start… I’ve got you covered! Grab my PDF of Blogging Mad Libs, these are the ultimate blog post titles. Input your own nouns, adjectives and many other scenarios to easily craft your perfectly clickable blog title! Subscribe to the blog by typing your email address in the subscribe box, located in the right column.

What tricks do you use to get more views on your page? Great Blog posts titles are the easiest way to accomplish that goal

Be sure and pin this post if you found it helpful!

Subscribe to get all 100 attention grabbing blog post titles PLUS my bonus The Ultimate Formula for Creating Unlimited Attention Grabbing Blog Post Titles!

When you subscribe to The Rising, you will get access to The Rising Damsel’s Library which includes awesome ways to save, and the exclusive Social Media Scorecard!

It’s the only one of it’s kind to help you track all your social media in one place. Learn more about it in this post: Skyrocket Your Traffic Using The Ultimate Social Media Scorecard. Take all the mystery and struggle away from earning with your website when you share enough!

Find The Rising Damsel on Pinterest

Join my Facebook Group Connect and Share for Success. I’d love to help spread your content. 

If you are looking for a free Tailwind Tribe try The Rising Damsel’s brand new one: Promote Your Blog – A Rising Damsel Tribe. Much Love!! Together we will be great!

Questions and comments are always welcome. I really hope this post inspired you.

My Go-To Resources

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing If you want to make money by promoting a company or product, you need Michelle’s course Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. I didn’t actually start earning from my blog till I took this course. Save yourself from frustration, Michelle has it figured out for us. Check out her course and see what a difference it’s made to so many you won’t regret it.


15% of sale +.$50 a lead. Tailwind is my favorite marketing tool. Tailwind allows you to schedule your content to Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. It’s one of the most highly effective tools to help bloggers grow their influence on the internet. If you’re interested in your own free month-long trial you can get access to the awesome power of Tailwind here for free. To learn all about my daily Pinterest activity to gain me over 3million monthly views see here

Free Blog Post Titles and Easy Tips to Create 100’s More
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6 thoughts on “Free Blog Post Titles and Easy Tips to Create 100’s More

  • November 1, 2017 at 6:40 pm

    I use headline analyzer to help me with titles and I have downloaded some printables to help me with using different words. tired of the same same old. will be pinningthis.

    • November 2, 2017 at 2:37 pm

      Thanks so much for the shout out. I’m so happy that the printables are helping you too. I’m going to follow you on pinterest. Thanks for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it.

  • November 4, 2017 at 4:12 pm

    Such a great read – signing up to read more. Thanks

    • November 13, 2017 at 5:25 pm

      Thanks Jenelle! I appreciate the support. I’m going to go support your blog right now.

  • July 18, 2018 at 10:22 pm

    Ok dear one thing how we should title I mean long tail or short. secound is how much times the words used in title should be repeted in the body of the article?

    • August 11, 2018 at 1:25 pm

      I usually use the tail that is most appropriate to the seo of the article. If I can’t get my meaning across with short I go for long tail. Try for as many as you can in regards to repeat. At least one will ensure a good SEO score on Yoast. Thanks for the comment.


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