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25+ Facebook group boards to grow your business. The Rising DamselIf you haven’t been utilizing Facebook Groups as a social media platform, your blog is suffering for it. Ohhhh reality hurts. 

Facebook Groups are the backbone that many bloggers have built their empire on! As my second biggest traffic driver, just behind Pinterest, it’s not something that you can ignore.

All of these facebook groups are extremely active. What you put into Facebook Groups you will get back in the form of followers, traffic, and monetary increases. How? Because you’re interacting with other bloggers and they will share your content to their social media and explore your site along with your promotions. 

Let’s dive in shall we? These groups will make an immediate impact on your blog or business, start joining asap. 

First join mine below:

Connect and Share Blogging to Success 551The Rising Damsel's Group Board Connect and Share Blogging to Success
Connect and Share is the official Group Board for The Rising Damsel. We focus on community growth for your blog or business! I urge members to post as often as possible on the board to engage other members and grow your following. Don’t be afraid of smaller boards often times the members are much more active and willing to collaborate.  

Monday- Blog Promo, Tuesday-Tweets, Thursday- Share a Beneficial Post, Friday-Free For All

I invite all my members to share whatever they want as often as they want. The group is small but mighty and growing.

Creative Ninja’s 2,993 Members

The Rising Damsel's Favorite Group Boards
Creative Ninjas is the reason that I started and continued using Facebook groups. Latasha, the incredible administrator will open your eyes to what a community can do for your blog. Great “Ninja Tips” can strike at anytime along with the ability to openly ask questions to the forum.

Tuesday- Social Media Shares, Wednesday- Blog or Business Wins, Thursday- Collaborate/ Thursday Mixer, Friday- Promo Day, Saturday- Pinterest Shares

Babes Making Money Online 3,413 Members

The Rising Damsel's Favorite Group Boards

Everyone enthusiastically shares to Babes Making Money Online. Throughout the week the administrators of this board share opportunities for you to post your pins, as well as your instagram. It’s a great community that focuses on savings and earning.

Tuesday- Tweets, Wednesday- Blog that to share your recent post, Thursday- share any product or opt in you created, Fridays- Share any social media, Blog Weekend Promo Shares are for the entire weekend.

Boss Girl Bloggers 36,768 Members

The Rising Damsel's Favorite Facebook Groups

Ell is the administrator of this board is just like you and me! She made her dreams come true and has been fearlessly pursuing blogging for the last year. As you can see from the sheer size of this group boards, she has done a great job!

Multiple threads all geared towards your growth plus encouragement from other bloggers, makes this board one of my favorites. Blog promo days are especially helpful with set rules in regards to participation, it ensures sharing to get you MASSIVE traffic. Another unique aspect of this group board is the ability to grow your instagram! If you are a beauty blogger or any niche blogger that takes a lot of pictures this group is for you!

Grow Your Blog 15,881 Members

The Rising Damsel's Favorite Group Boards
The administrators are very focused on varying their topics to offer ideal chances to grow your blog. Remember, it’s always important to grow all aspects of your social media! You never know which one can take off.

Blogging Newbs 25,206 Member

The Rising Damsel's Group Facebook group board favorites

McKinzie of Mom’s Make Sense is such an awesome resource for bloggers. She regularly posts freebies such as printables and guides to help you grow you business and save money.

Monday- Share Your Goals, Tuesday- Your Choice Promo Yourself, Wednesday- Collaborate, Thursday- Share Social Media, Friday- Feedback Give and Receive Honest Feedback on a project

Connect and Cultivate with Ivory Mix 3,875 Members

The Rising Damsel's Favorite Facebook Groups

Kayla Butler does a fantastic job administering this board! I just love her helpful tips and down to earth personality. She regularly posts mind blowing tips for blogging, YouTube videos and provides some of the best resources I’ve seen.

Monday- Share your Instragram, Tuesday- Tweets, Wednesday- Blogging Q&A, Thursday- Share a Post day!, Saturday-Pinterest Share Day, Sunday- Collaborate with fellow bloggers

With a community that is also driven to succeed you are free to share your best work and social media. Fellow bloggers are genuinely interested in reading your content. You’ll enjoy making new friends and discovering new opportunities, just like I did. There’s no way you can’t.

Join The Rising Damsel’s New Facebook Group Connect and Share today and subscribe to the blog for the entire list of 25+ Facebook Groups. You will absolutely see a difference in the amount of interactions across all of your social media channels. 

Facebook groups for extreme blog growth! The Rising Damsel25+ Facebook Groups for you blog or business growth. The Rising Damsel

Tips For Facebook Groups25+ Facebook groups to join for blog growth! The Rising Damsel

  1. Smaller groups still have amazing potential! A big negative when dealing with a really popular board is that some posts may require “follow all” or “like all”. That’s great until 200 people respond…. which can turn into a huge obligation. You also risk drowning in all the comments. Join any group you see slight value in despite size.
  2. Vary your approach and see what provides the most bang for your buck in regards to time. One board might be more reciprocative of your content than another. If you see results foster that board first. 
  3. Vary what time of the day you share content to Facebook. Test this out to see when people are most active on your boards.
  4. Share all aspects of your social media even if you aren’t active on it yet. In the future you could want to explore Instagram etc, even if you aren’t using it now.
  5. Be as active as possible on Group Boards within the guidelines. Administrator’s are free to set their own rules for their board. The blog administrators are there for you, if you’re not sure just ask.
  6.  Administrators often times work hard to create daily topics, adhere to those. If you want to post your blog at random on a board, check to see if others are doing it too. 

I highly suggest that you start your own Facebook Page and Group as soon as possible. Checking on my community is the highlight of my day, and owning your own community is inspiring and motivating.

Join as many of these groups as possible. Everyday, every group has a different topic you can interact with.

Interested in more popular blogging tips?! Get them right here!

What’s your biggest traffic driver? Have you thought about exploring more options and diversifying who you are reaching? I would love to hear your experiences.

Thanks for reading, be sure and pin this article if you found it inspirational you never know who you could be helping. Much love till next time!

Want more? When you Subscribe to The Rising Damsel, in addition to all the Facebook Groups, you will get access to The Rising Damsel’s Library and the exclusive Social Media Scorecard! It’s the only one of it’s kind to help you track all your social media in one place. Learn more about it in this post: Skyrocket Your Traffic Using The Ultimate Social Media Scorecard. Take all the mystery and struggle away when you share enough! 

Questions and comments are always welcome. I really hope this post inspired you. 

My Go-To Resources

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing There are tons of ways to make money on your blog but if you want to make money by promoting an affiliate, you need Michelle’s course Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing! The money didn’t actually start coming in till I took this course. Save yourself from frustration, Michelle has it figured out for us.

Tailwind I would be lost without this social media scheduler. It’s worth every cent. Tailwind will help take your marketing to a new level with optimal pinning times to increase viewership. Freebie alert! Tailwind is offering a free trial via The Rising Damsel! If you already use Tailwind, try The Rising Damsel’s Tribe for more chances to share your pin: Promote Your Blog – A Rising Damsel Tribe.

Rakuten Coupons deals and cash back. When you’re shopping online if you aren’t stacking your savings, you’re losing serious money. Get rebates from 1%-20%+ on thousands of stores and get $10.00 for signing up.

Ibotta! I save on all my staples from eggs, to paper towels, to coffee and even uber rides! With Ibotta you just snap a picture of your shopping receipt and match it with current deals available online. Get $10 just for signing up through The Rising Damsel. Redeem your first $10 by verifying a purchase from any of their stores. It’s an obsession. 

Bluehost website hosting changed my life. Freedom to not go to an office is what I strived for my entire life. Success with blogging wouldn’t have been possible without hosting through Bluehost. Bluehost lets you start taking steps towards independence for just $3.95/month. Stop spinning your wheels, get hosting and start earning.

25+ Facebook Groups That Will Explode Your Blog Traffic
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18 thoughts on “25+ Facebook Groups That Will Explode Your Blog Traffic

    • December 22, 2017 at 2:11 pm

      Absolutely! So glad that you found it useful. Thank you for the comment I appreciate it.

  • December 19, 2017 at 6:27 pm

    Thanks for the extensive list! I joined a couple new ones!
    I have gotten so much traffic off of Facebook groups. They really do help! 🙂

    • December 22, 2017 at 2:11 pm

      Yes! I’m glad that you were able to find a couple new ones for your growth. Thank you for commenting. I’m going to check out your blog too, love the name!

  • December 19, 2017 at 9:47 pm

    I needed this! I’m part of Blogging Newbs too, but it’s nice to see so many other options out there!

    • December 27, 2017 at 11:57 am

      So glad to hear that! It’s harder to find a good facebook than you would think. I hope you’re experiencing growth. Thanks for stopping in and commenting.

  • December 19, 2017 at 9:51 pm

    This is a great list! I’m already following half of these & the new ones I joined immediately. This is great since I haven’t completed my opt-in freebie so ALL of my traffic comes from FB groups. I love the feedback of other bloggers.

    • December 31, 2017 at 11:25 am

      Oh wow that’s incredible that all of your traffic comes from fb! Definitely inspiring. Thanks for stopping in and commenting. I love success stories.

  • December 25, 2017 at 3:41 pm

    Nice post! Always great to see if I’ve missed one!

    • December 31, 2017 at 11:26 am

      Oh I totally agree, I’m a constant facebook group scavenger. Thanks so much for the comment.

  • December 26, 2017 at 10:32 pm

    I have really been trying to engage more in FB groups! Thanks for sharing!

    • December 31, 2017 at 11:27 am

      How has it been paying off for you? I hope that you’ve been seeing growth!

  • December 27, 2017 at 3:47 pm

    This is a great resource. I joined several you mentioned and hope to get new subscribers to my blog soon. Thank you for sharing.

    • December 31, 2017 at 11:28 am

      Thanks Rubie! Did you start seeing success from your facebook joins?

      • December 31, 2017 at 11:59 am

        I have just joined but haven’t participated in the posts. My blog is super new so I am just trying to get content up.

        • January 24, 2018 at 3:09 pm

          Thanks so much for the comment. Congratulations on starting a new blog. It seems daunting at first but once you get those first posts up you will feel great! Let me know if I can ever help out with anything more than happy to.


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