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Your job benefits can get you ahead in life and your career if you use them correctly. From health and wellness to more education, the job benefits that aren’t mentioned or are considered ancillary are some of the best.
If you really use your job benefits you can save hundreds.
These simple tips will ensure you are aware of all potential job benefits you can take advantage of.
1. Use Those Work Perks
Is there a small gym at work? Starting a new habit based on a work perk is a great way to take advantage of company offerings and keep yourself healthy. Stop wasting money on a gym membership and grab a cubicle buddy to use what’s already provided.
Does your office have a great view? Take a few minutes every day to appreciate it and better yet… take a 15 minute walk around your campus everyday.
Is there free coffee and tea at work? You can save massive amounts of money by skipping the trip to the coffee shop for your daily latte.
A lot of offices will have discounted soda and snacks but what about green tea? The health benefits of green tea are awesome, and the antioxidants will help your long-term health. Think outside the box when it comes to what you chose to indulge in.
2. My Favorite Job Benefits are Company Discounts

The ultimate company perk is always going to be freebies and discount programs. This is literally money that stays in your pocket due to your employment.
Most people are aware of freebies from work but if you’re new to the workforce you might not know of the relationships your company has established with reciprocal companies… which can lead to massive savings for you.
- Get a discount on your family’s cell phone plan
- Free or discounted tickets to sports events
- Exclusive Offers when products launch
- Free wellness screening
- Company paid for transportation passes
- Discounted gym membership
- Various discounts at major retailers and restaurants
3. Decorate Your Desk for Happiness
You spend a significant amount of time at work right? 40 hour work weeks really translates to about 5 hours of family time a night.
Bring your smile to work and keep that smile going with pictures of loved ones, magnets, plants, desk décor…whatever makes your work environment feel more like a home office, bring it!
I like to keep posters of my favorite foreign cities as travel motivation. I also keep a stress ball close at hand (harhar). This one just happens to be crocheted, I couldn’t turn his cute little face down when I saw him online.
A cute little plant will actually give you a stronger sense of purpose at work. It’s strange but yes, you will want to take care of that plant. Relate it’s growth to your career. Every time you water it think of a positive thought to help you through the day.
Living things, especially plants, will elevate your mood and keep your air just a bit cleaner. Being comfortable in your own space is part of your job benefits.
For even more details on how to make your desk happier check out this post: 10 Ways to Make Your Work Space Comfortable! You’ll love the added tips for success.
4. Preserve Your Equipment
There are some really great ways to keep your belongings nice. If you drive to work, make sure to park in a covered garage. The sun will absolutely destroy the paint and interior leather . If you’re lucky enough to get a parking garage, park there. Otherwise, do your best to make sure your vehicle will have a long life.
Use commuter shoes. If you have nice shoes and delicate toes, you should always have a pair of gym shoes close by. There’s no reason to add any extra miles to a pair of your expensive shoes.
Undergarments or sweat protectors will save you from needing to dry clean or wash your clothes as often. Washing an undershirt is a heck of a lot easier than bringing in, paying for, and being obligated to pick up a blouse at the dry cleaners. I have better things to do with my time and money, I’m sure you do too.
A smile means a lot to a lot of people. Don’t be the storm cloud in the office that everyone avoids. Be the positive influence that makes people want to be around you, and they’ll vote for your success.
I’m starting to realize that there is a lot of negativity in the world. If you aren’t a complainer, you roll with the punches and you show up… you’re going to be way ahead of the game.
Your management will surely appreciate your positive attitude.
6. Get Something Out Of It
If you are lucky enough to have tenure at a company, make sure that you are taking advantage of the 2 most important work perks.
Your 401k and your ability to further your education.
By investing in your 401k, you should receive a percentage match from your employer. If your employer matches 5% on your yearly income and you max that out, that’s A LOT OF FREE MONEY.
Furthering your education with educational payouts from your company can save you significant amounts of money. Not only will you education be cheaper, but you will be bettering yourself and making yourself a great catch for future raises and employers.
7. Work Isn’t Easy…. It’s Work
Being able to navigate the office while keeping your emotions in check isn’t always easy. If you start your day with positivity, you’ll see an increase in your happiness I promise. Your management team is always on the lookout for cool, calm and collected personalities to fill management positions as they arise. Be that person.
Many companies offer an Employee Assistance Programs (EAP’s). Reach out to you HR team and see what services are available. The services are free and range from mental health assistance, alcoholism treatment, stress help, smoking cessation, and even homework help. These services are anonymous and your family should be able to partake too.
Need an intensive 31 Day Guide to Revamp Your Happiness? These easy and unheard of ways will add zest to your life!
If you’ve had it with the workforce, create a fail safe exit for yourself and make sure to read my HR Tips on Quitting Your Job and Ensuring Future Success.
8. Remember to Plan Your Day in the Morning
Starting your day the night before is a pretty obvious solution, but not always the easiest to execute.
Every Sunday I try to lay out all my outfits for the week. I’m talking everything from my cardigan to my undergarments, jewelry and even shoes.
Seriously, don’t waste precious early morning minutes frantically searching and trying on numerous outfit combos. The day you’re running late is going to be the day the keys are missing and so is your sock. You know that’s true.
9. Explore your commute before you get in your car!
A few seconds of traffic updates can save you from a bad drive that will contribute to a stressful day. One of the most important job benefits a company may offer is free parking or free transportation. This alone could save you almost $200.00 a month.
10. Think ahead for your meals
A daily lunch bill can definitely stress the bank account. Meal prep will save you tons of money. Make an extra portion when you’re preparing your dinner. Have a Tupperware ready and put that extra meal in there for your lunch as you clean up.
- Shower the night before
- Prep your hair to be slept on
- Use witch hazel as an astringent and pile on some heavy lotion
- Pack your lunch
- Keys or badge on display
- Shorten your makeup routine by eliminating un-natural products
- Snacks and water for the day
- Bring a special treat like hot chocolate or chai
If getting your nails done twice a month makes you feel good, do that! Being put together is part of planning your day, clean nails and a good appearance will help you start everyday on the right foot. Of course you should be as cost effective and frugal as possible, but you can still invest in yourself.
Remember to clear your mind before your head hits the pillow. It’s stressful to wake up to a list of must do’s before you can walk out the door.
What weird job benefits do you get to take advantage of? I’d love to hear!
Interested in even more tips to make your work life easier? You’ll love these:
- Improve Your Commute and Make Your Life Easier with these 11 tips
- Avoid These Job Busting Personality Traits
- The Virtual Age: How to Get Hired During a Digital Interview
Thanks for reading, be sure and pin this article if you found it inspirational you never know who you could be helping. Much love till next time!
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I really enjoyed this post. Starting the day prepared and motivated makes such a difference in our long term happiness. I don’t work in an office but you made me aware of some things to consider if I ever do.
Thanks for stopping in and commenting. Hopefully you maintain your freedom and don’t have to work in an office! Starting the day prepared is so much more important than people realize, you’re so right.
Love these tips! Planning your day the night before is my favorite. And ofcourse be positive, that always helps!
Thanks for stopping in Bettie. Being positive through it all is the most important. It’s crazy how much a good mindset will put you ahead of the game.