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4 Ways Moderation Will Help You Manage Your Busy life. The Rising DamselSimple Life Hacks to Feel Healthy and Happy. Free Printables for Positive Life Changes. #simplelifehacks #livehappier #livehealthier #tipsforsuccess #liveafulfilledlife #tipsforwomen Simple Life Hacks to Feel Healthy and Happy. Free Printables for Positive Life Changes. #simplelifehacks #livehappier #livehealthier #tipsforsuccess #liveafulfilledlife #Personaldevelopment #Selfcareideas #Goalsetting #Worklifebalance #LifeisgoodDriving yourself crazy with all your self-imposed expectations? Constantly trying to achieve too much and finding yourself too busy and too stressed to enjoy life?

How much money is enough? How much exercise should you really be doing? Are you always on a diet?

Are you taking time to enjoy yourself along the way? Or are you caught up in life’s turmoil and don’t even know it?

You’re unique and you should not conform to anyone else’s standards. You deserve simplicity if it’s what you want.

It’s time to assess what you want deep down out of your life.

With the right state of mind and a little positivity you can accomplish your dreams. 

Here are some important questions to ask yourself, because it is possible to chill out and reset your lifestyle…reset your body and your mind.

1. A Simple Life Means Paying Attention to Your Diet, Food, and Nourishment.

Healthy happy simple life tips that will make you happy and fulfilled. The Rising Damsel

4 Easy Ways to Live a More Healthful Simple Life Starting Today. The Rising Damsel

Our crazy diet lives….We are bombarded with food choice temptations on every street corner. It seems to be a really lucrative way to get into people’s pockets.

Have you tried every single diet that’s out there? Basically… heck yeah! They might work…That is until you get sick of them and you give into your cravings and live your life.

Forget and erase all the shortcut diets you’ve read about and tried from your brain.

Find a simple way of eating that nourishes you and makes you happy and by the way keeps your money in your pocket.

Your body’s metabolism is efficient beyond anything you can possibly imagine. Your brain may get fooled but your body will not.

Related: Check out these tasty 17 Recipes That Won’t Ruin Your Waistline! 

Cut The Carbs

Simple Life Hacks. Here is the motivation you've been looking for. Cut the carbs. The Rising Damsel

First, take a little time to figure out which foods give you pleasure. Then think about which foods you enjoy AND do your body good.

I had to get myself off of all the processed food and sugar I was consuming. The cravings were getting crazy!

One or two Netflix documentaries will teach you all you need to know about the dangers of processed food and sugar.

It opened my eyes and sickened me to think how corporations are literally poisoning us with sugar and flour just because those two ingredients are cheap.

Both of which are the main ingredients in most boxed foods. 

It become necessary to break my addiction to sugar and I needed better control of my appetite to not succumb to flash cravings.

When I started eating more protein that alone gave me more control over my ravenous feeding frenzies.

I’m not saying I went Keto, but protein definitely keeps you fuller for longer and therefore I thought about eating less often.

Little by little I decided to cut my simple carbs to gain even more blood sugar control.

Assess Your Habits

What foods keep you full and are still good for you? I decided to make a healthy dinner six days a week. A ‘safe’ and healthy meal consisting of protein, green vegetables and legumes.

Breakfast is more flexible….usually two eggs on top of some fat-free refried beans. This breakfast usually holds me all the way to dinner.

I tried to not eat any fruit because of the sugar content and subsequent insulin spike…but recently I decided to slack up and enjoy a serving or two of fruit daily because I had given up all  table sugar.

When you give up sugar it no longer feels like a sacrifice, you get used to it and you lose the cravings.

Know When to Cheat

Simple tips to live a happier more fulfilled life. Know when to indulge! The Rising Damsel

I allow myself a ‘free’ day on Saturdays. Yes …I have some sugar then if I want it.

I usually go to a lovely French bakery and have a café au lait and a delicious almond croissant. Then I indulge at dinner and have either pasta or a wood burned pizza.

This free day let’s me enjoy some of my guilty pleasures and makes my healthy six days worth it.

A balanced way of eating is freeing and you won’t have to put a lot of thought or money into it. 

 2. A Simple Life Means You Know When Enough Is Enough When It Comes To Exercise.

Live a simple life tips and tricks. exercise for wellness and health
How much exercise do we really need?

I really spent too much time exercising…at least two hours a day.

It was sucking my time and energy and it didn’t make a huge difference in my physique.

I wanted something that would give me enjoyment, help me feel productive and still be healthy. So I switched it up.

Revamp Your Workout and Get Outside!

Revamp your workout by getting outside and workingout with a friend! Motivation for a simple life. The Rising Damsel

A little Vitamin D is good for everyone and will also boost your mood!

I wanted simplicity, I love the outdoors, it’s just my happy place. I also wanted to connect with my husband.

We don’t have any children. We decided to start walking together after dinner.

4 Easy Ways to Live a More Healthful Simple Life Starting Today The Rising Damsel

Just a simple 30-45 minute walk around the neighborhood. We could walk holding hands and we have each other’s undivided attention to discuss all that was on our minds.

This really works for us because we are getting health benefits and time together. We’re killing two birds with one stone and we are closer to each other everyday.

What is a simple and pleasurable way to get your body moving for you? If you like it you will keep doing it.

When it’s short and simple health won’t get pushed aside, and when you have a partner in workouts you are less likely to skipout.

Want to sneak some healthful activities in? Earn some cash while you do it! Check out Fatten Your Wallet Slim Your Waist.

3. A Simple Life Means Having a Healthy Perception of Work and Money.

Simple life hacks to live a better life. Cutout the stress and increase wellness. The Rising Damsel

Are you putting in too much time at work?

Ask yourself why.

Simple calculations will help you see exactly what you can afford in life compared to what you want. Money in vs money out.

Do you want the expense of a big house? Taxes, HOA, utilities and upkeep need to be factored in.

Take time to research and always check if there is a smarter, cheaper way to accomplish something.

Assess What’s Really Important to You

Simple life hacks to live a happier life. The Rising Damsel

Do you want a luxury car? Monthly payments are high and repairs can gouge you.

Are manicures, pedicures, expensive hair appointments really needed? How many purses do you need? Is the newest piece of technology really that necessary?

Consider how much these things are costing you in missed life experiences? How many extra hours do you have to endure in order pay for these ‘necessities’? 

How much joy do these things really bring you? And really how fleeting is that joy anyways?

Sometimes it’s good to be a little bit of a negative nancy prior to a purchase especially if it gives you a little clarity on your purchase.

Personally, freedom is what’s important to me. The freedom to live how I want, where I want and still have the ability to earn money. Because of that I live a frugal life.

Go Minimal

Simple Life Hacks. Like a more minimalistic life.

I have always been in the camp of less is more.

I’m a bit lazy and the less material goods I have…the less I have to take care of!

Instead of working harder to make more money….why not try to spend less?

If you keep buying and buying…one day you will have to get rid of all that stuff and it will be a big job!

The more you have the more intimidating it gets to be able to live your life freely and fulfill your dreamed adventures.

Stuff weighs you down and sucks lots of money out of you….and then…you need to spend all that time taking care of it! Ughhhhh!

Spend less money, save more money and be free to live you life earlier. 

Recently I discovered Trim – Bill Negotiator it’s an easy app that can negotiate bills with credit card companies potentially lowering your monthly credit card debt. Trim also ensures your subscriptions are cancelled among many other features to make sure you aren’t throwing money away. This is a full money saving system for free. Tryout the Trim Bill Negotiator today and see how much you could be saving! 8 Million dollars was saved for users last year alone.

Strive to have a job that you enjoy and that is flexible. You’re there eight hours a day. Keep changing jobs until you find the near perfect fit.

If you want to get ahead monetarily, pick a hobby that you truly enjoy and that also makes you money.

Start a Blog or a Side Hustle. 

Simple life hacks and tips to be happier and more fulfilled. Start a money earning blog. The Rising Damsel

You can take control of your own finances and future career by starting a blog or website. From blogging to dropshipping there are endless ways to make money online.

Check out: Start a WordPress blog with Bluehost for a setup filled with tons of juicy blog tips. Bluehost lets you start taking steps towards independence today. Stop spinning your wheels, get hosting and start earning!

Get Logical 

We all need to know when to stop working. Billionaires have to be smart, right? But…how stupid are they when they keep working and pursuing even more money? Work for philanthropy and for the betterment of the earth. Right ?! 

Realize when you have enough and enjoy your limited time on this planet. Enjoy your life when you’re already at your goal.

4. A Simple Life Means Continually Learning and Striving.

Life a simple life. Achieve balance and inner peace. The Rising Damsel

Listen to what your body is telling you.

Not too much of any one thing, or too much work at the expense of well-being and self fulfillment. Not too much exercise at the expense of stress and time with your loved ones.

Never too much dieting and putting yourself down and not too much time spent making money and missing out on a simple daily pleasures.

Find a quiet place and close your eyes and daydream about what your perfect life would be like.

It’s probably a very simple image.

Tune out all the commercialism that will brainwash you out of your money.

Strive for Healthfulness 

Simple life hacks to life a more fulfilled life. The Rising Damsel

You will feel proud and happy that you’re doing right by your body.

Giving it good fuel for the mind and body will leave you feeling content.

The less you jam your days the more time you will have to enjoy them. I hope you discover this sooner than later. 

With a positive attitude, you will be seen as a leader and that will bring more opportunity in the future. Do you need a some extra help with your positivity? I have you covered! Check out some helpful tips here: The Happier Life You Desire is Closer Than You Think! When you subscribe to the blog you also get 31 Days to a Happier Life! 

I hope this post inspired you to look at your day to day activities, lifestyle and state of mind just a bit. Do you have any tricks or tips that help you live a simple life?

Be sure and find The Rising Damsel on Pinterest!

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I’d love to help spread your content. If you are looking for a free Tailwind Tribe try The Rising Damsel’s brand new one: Promote Your Blog – A Rising Damsel Tribe. Much Love!! Together we will be great!

Questions and comments are always welcome. I really hope this post inspired you.

My Go-To Resources

Trim – Bill Negotiator Make sure your subscriptions are cancelled, negotiate bills with credit card companies and potentially get your bills lowered. This is a full money-saving system for free. Tryout the Trim Bill Negotiator today and see how much you could be saving! User saved 8 million dollars last year alone.

Ebates Coupons deals and cash back. When you’re shopping online if you aren’t stacking your savings, you’re losing serious money. Get rebates from 1%-20%+ on thousands of stores and get $10.00 for signing up. I won’t shop without Ebates.

Ibotta! I save on all my staples from eggs, to paper towels, to coffee and even uber rides! With Ibotta you just snap a picture of your shopping receipt and match it with current deals available online. Get $10 just for signing up through The Rising Damsel. Redeem your first $10 by verifying a purchase from any of their stores. It’s an obsession. 

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing to earn money blogging. There are tons of ways to make money on your blog. If you want to make money by promoting an affiliate, you need Michelle’s course Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. It was an invaluable resource to me despite 1,000+ hours of research on how to earn. The money didn’t actually start coming in till I took this course. Save yourself from frustration, Michelle has it figured out for us.

Simple Life Tips That Will Help You Feel Healthy and Happy
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4 thoughts on “Simple Life Tips That Will Help You Feel Healthy and Happy

  • August 22, 2018 at 2:46 am

    This is very informative, love the bit about finding balance.

    • August 25, 2018 at 6:31 pm

      Thank you so much! Balance is something that is easy to forget when we want to accomplish so much. I appreciate the comment, I’m glad the article was informative for you too.

  • August 22, 2018 at 1:59 pm

    I really needed this reminder today. I’ve been completely putting my physical health on the back burner and my work is suffering. Thank you for this incredible post, I loved it!

    • August 25, 2018 at 6:30 pm

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it Emily! I appreciate you stopping in and taking the time to comment, it means so much to me.


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