Get hired now! Interview questions to practice

Are you preparing for an interview? You better get the answers to those basic interview questions on lockdown! You know why you are looking for a job and you know why you left your last job. Why do these basic questions trip up so many people during the interview process? It’s because you aren’t prepared. There are a few key interview questions to practice and I’m going to share them. Not being prepared for routine questions is giving the recruiter an excuse to throw your resume away, DESPITE ALL YOUR QUALIFICATIONS!

With interview questions to practice, you’ll be prepared with the right answers.

Interview questions are always basic and standard. A recruiter will catch you off guard if you haven’t done your due diligence in tactics to get hired. Nope, it’s the harsh reality. We live in a world where we routinely send out 20 resumes a day when looking for a … I’ve been there. It’s not always feasible to research each position, but when a recruiter reaches out to you to schedule a phone screen, it’s time to get to work.

Interview Question 1 – What Interests You About Working Here?

Research the Company’s Core Values and Mission.

The recruiter wants to hear more than: “I need money, and the location is pretty convenient.” 

Everyone needs money, how is that going to make you a prime candidate? Nothing about that statement indicates any real effort when applying for the position.

As a recruiter, the thought is ‘If you can’t research a company or position you’ve applied for to survive, what effort will you put forth to enhance our customer’s experience?’

Companies value their Core Values

As a member of HR, I can tell you that 100’s of hours are spent discussing core values when they are implemented. It’s what defines the company.

It takes 5 only minutes to look at the company’s website. Get excited about their mission and core values. What makes that place of employment look enticing to you? Even if you say “Wow! The office looks amazing! I love that it really seems like the employees are comfortable being themselves. 

An even better answer would be to take one of the company’s core values and incorporate it into your answer. Let’s use ‘Determination’ as a core value.

“Why do you want to work here?”

“I’ve always been a very determined person who really concentrates on a job well done. I saw that Determination is one of the company’s core values, and I can relate to always wanting to go the extra mile.”

You just incorporated your experience with the core value and let the recruiter know you cared enough to check out the website.

If you are looking for a new job? I’ll bet you need a new resume! Use my recruiter approved tips to guarantee an interview.

Interview Question 2 – Why Are You Looking for a New Job?

Never, I repeat NEVER speak ill of your previous companies. Boss was a jerk who overworked people? That’s behind you. Negativity breeds and spreads in an office. The recruiter you are talking to is going to want to keep their office drama free. Why? Because drama means turnover.

Even if you left your job because of the worst circumstances or got fired, dust yourself off. It’s done, there is no reason to bring it up to a recruiter. Unfortunately, candidates don’t let sleeping dogs lie and emotions can get the best of anyone.Most commonly asked interview questions to practice 

Life is about moving forward and growing. That’s what this underlying question is really about. If you were fired that’s ok! It happens. Here is what to do when you get fired for no reason.

A good response to this question is ‘I am looking for a new company that promotes the positive core values I believe in so that I can really utilize the skills I’ve gained over the course of my career.’

This response is ideal because you stayed positive and showed the recruiter you cared enough to do a little company research.

Interview Question 3 – Tell Me About a Time You Didn’t Get Along with Someone?

This question is designed to test your ability to stay positive and work through a situation.

As a job applicant, it’s a good idea to think about your negative situation experiences. Recruiters love to ask about trying times in your career. The trick is they aren’t judging the situation, they are concerned with how you handled yourself during that process.

Did a disagreement or mistake cause you to become unhinged or were you able to naturally assess the situation and come to a logical solution? That’s what the recruiter is really interested in.

To prepare for a phone or in-person interview, think of three trying scenarios from your past. One that has to do with a coworker, one that has to do with your boss and one that has to do with a customer. What was involved and how did you keep your cool and learn from it? That’s what’s important.

Interview Question 4 – What Have You Been Up To Lately?

Whether you’re employed, have been unemployed for a day or 6 months, recruiters want to know that you are on the quest to develop yourself and your skillset.

Even if you’ve worked at the same company for 10 years, how have you kept yourself abreast of the industry? A stale worker is a stale worker whatever your experience is.

A zest for life shows a recruiter that you have the ability to learn and motivate yourself through anything.

Don’t be afraid to say you went on the vacation of a lifetime, or that you took some extra classes. That’s the type of employee a company wants because you are taking steps to personally grow.

Someone who can breathe new life into a business and is thirsty enough to keep learning will always have a better opportunity to get hired.

Whether or not you are unemployed, think of some beneficial life activities and be prepared to tell your recruiter about them. A good recruiter will pick up on your positivity or negativity.

Interview Question 5 – Why Do You Want to Work Here?

Never go into an interview or phone screen without knowing this answer. If you don’t want to work for the company you are applying for, keep your search options open!

There are businesses out there with bad reputations, don’t apply to them. I love looking at to check out company reviews. Take reviews with a grain of salt since people usually write them in the heat of the moment.

When you apply to a job, if the pay rate is below your needs, keep looking. If the commute is ridiculous, keep looking. When the core values of the company don’t match your own, keep looking. If you see a huge red flag waving in front of your face that says “this just isn’t right”, it’s not right for you.

I get it that sometimes we just need a job, remember every company will present opportunities. Even if you have to accept a job that you don’t want, make sure it benefits at least one aspect of your life while you keep searching. 

Last Second Interview Tips

Practice your answers, say it out loud even. The more comfortable you are with your answers the less nervous you will be when talking with a company rep. 

Be positive. Think positive affirming thoughts before an interview. You got this! You are qualified and you were chosen to interview over 1000s of others.

Talk to someone before you do a phone interview. Make sure that your voice is in working order and you don’t have that ‘just woke up voice’.

Research the company and get a good idea of what they stand for and how your experience will benefit them.

Look at the job posting again and use some of the keywords from the posting when talking to your recruiter. This could subliminally speak to the recruiter because it’s already familiar terminology. 

I hope that a look into these interview questions will help you get the job of your dreams! What questions have you experienced during your interview? Do you think that a little bit of preparation would have helped out?

Thanks for reading, be sure and pin this article if you found it inspirational you never know who you could be helping. 

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My Go-To Resources

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Common Interview Questions to Practice

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