Recruiter Side Hustle Achieve Remote Work Freedom

I’ve been recruiting for 11 years and I can’t wait to share all my recruiter side hustle secrets. You might think “and… why would you share all your money-making secrets?” I’ll tell you exactly why; there is enough opportunity to go around for EVERYONE! A change of career or a recruiter side hustle is a great way to earn money for anyone. 

Recruiting will never go out of style, it’s an essential part of every business and there is so much money to be made through recruiting. It doesn’t matter if you are working as a freelance recruiter or working for a corporation, the skills for success are equally the same. 

Recruiting is a very positive work experience. Every time you contact someone, they are grateful and appreciative that you are reaching out to them.  It doesn’t matter what the job is or the pay scale; you can be the answer to someone’s prayer. It feels really good to offer hope and employment. The right candidate matched with the right job is very rewarding. You will feel uplifted day in day out.

How do I make money as a recruiter?

There are several ways to make money, all of which you control.Keep reading

Side Hustles That Can Replace Your Full Time Job

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Side hustles! Do you yearn for financial freedom? Do you want to wake up and not have to get dressed and do your hair? Yes! I make money from home and turned my side hustles into a full-time career.

There are jobs where you can allocate your time the way you want. An hourly job comes with time clocks, managers breathing down your neck, and time restraints. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to control your own destiny? Maybe just a little bit more or a lot more? You CAN take the next step towards independence.

These careers and side hustles can help you earn big bucks. You just need to put some time in on the front end. Are you ready to earn a lucrative income from home? Ok, let’s do it! 

Affiliate Marketing and a Blog

If you don’t have a blog please start with this post: Start a WordPress blog with Bluehost for a setup filled with tons of juicy blog tips. 

When you use your blog to advertise products or services, you are essentially creating a marketing platform to earn money. This makes you an advertiser, and you should be getting credit for displaying their services or images.Keep reading

Toilet Paper Alternatives During the COVID-19 Virus

As the world watches and waits for any development on the COVID-19 Virus we all must stay vigilant with social distancing. During this time we are going to need some toilet paper alternatives so we can stay at home.

The shelves have been stripped of any dry goods in addition to any paper products. If you are experiencing a deficit in toiletries this post will give you some great alternative options.

Use a Bidet

A bidet will eliminate the need for toilet paper altogether. A jet of water cleans your bits. There are some pretty crazy models out there that include drying, but I love the one below. I’ve had it in my home for 5 years and it works like a charm. It only takes 5-10 minutes to set up and I was able to do it with absolutely no skills.

Items every working woman needs. 6 Revamp your routine! The Rising Damsel

Use a Squirt Bottle

Many women swear by a squirt bottle after they’ve given birth. These handy things are really all you need if you can’t get your hands on a bidet or toilet paper. Strategic squirting definitely works.

These are perfect because they have so many uses for later. I store my sauces and paint in them normally.Keep reading

Common Interview Questions to Practice

Get hired now! Interview questions to practice

Are you preparing for an interview? You better get the answers to those basic interview questions on lockdown! You know why you are looking for a job and you know why you left your last job. Why do these basic questions trip up so many people during the interview process? It’s because you aren’t prepared. There are a few key interview questions to practice and I’m going to share them. Not being prepared for routine questions is giving the recruiter an excuse to throw your resume away, DESPITE ALL YOUR QUALIFICATIONS!

With interview questions to practice, you’ll be prepared with the right answers.

Interview questions are always basic and standard. A recruiter will catch you off guard if you haven’t done your due diligence in tactics to get hired. Nope, it’s the harsh reality. We live in a world where we routinely send out 20 resumes a day when looking for a … I’ve been there. It’s not always feasible to research each position, but when a recruiter reaches out to you to schedule a phone screen, it’s time to get to work.

Interview Question 1 – What Interests You About Working Here?

Research the Company’s Core Values and Mission.

The recruiter wants to hear more than: “I need money, and the location is pretty convenient.”Keep reading

Boost Career Development With 8 Must Have Office Skills

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Must have office skills for career development

No matter where you are in your career, there is always the next step! Continuous career development ensures that you won’t get bored and you’ll get ahead just by riding that positivity.

When career development is at the forefront of your intentions, there is always a reason to work harder, because you are also working on yourself.

Take each of these office skills to heart. They are the qualifications that 9 out of 10 recruiters will be looking for and expect from you.

Career Development Starts with Being Familiar With Technology

There’s no excuse to not be tech-savvy at this point. The internet has now been around for over 40 years. Know the industry that you are in and cater your skills to what is up and coming. 

Good companies should be at the leading edge of what’s popular in technology. That means that you will be expected to be familiar with it too. Everything is digital now. Salesmen no longer open a phone book to stake out a neighborhood, they access their territory through an iPad and a google map pops up. It’s a  terrible shock to someone whose been out of the workforce for a while.

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