Recruiter Side Hustle Achieve Remote Work Freedom

I’ve been recruiting for 11 years and I can’t wait to share all my recruiter side hustle secrets. You might think “and… why would you share all your money-making secrets?” I’ll tell you exactly why; there is enough opportunity to go around for EVERYONE! A change of career or a recruiter side hustle is a great way to earn money for anyone. 

Recruiting will never go out of style, it’s an essential part of every business and there is so much money to be made through recruiting. It doesn’t matter if you are working as a freelance recruiter or working for a corporation, the skills for success are equally the same. 

Recruiting is a very positive work experience. Every time you contact someone, they are grateful and appreciative that you are reaching out to them.  It doesn’t matter what the job is or the pay scale; you can be the answer to someone’s prayer. It feels really good to offer hope and employment. The right candidate matched with the right job is very rewarding. You will feel uplifted day in day out.

How do I make money as a recruiter?

There are several ways to make money, all of which you control.Keep reading

50+ Healthy Snacks that Will Not Ruin Your Waistline

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50+ healthy snack optionsThe healthiest of intentions can’t always win against a formidable… cupcake. I get it. Perhaps you have better willpower than I do, but I’m eating the cupcake. Having healthy snacks and alternatives around will help save you and your waistline.

Healthy snacks are here to save you from temptation.

Offices are literally the definition of diet sabotage. You’re stuck in one place, probably crazy, bored and completing a semi-monotonous task. Sound right? Eating during these times seems natural. It’s even quite comforting. Unfortunately, you could be inadvertently doing your body a lot of harm to your waist.

A well-rounded lifestyle comes from healthy choices and moderation on a day-to-day basis. Here is a handy list of snacks to enjoy daily so that when that random cupcake or basket of office candy floats by you, you can indulge knowing that you make good choices daily.

When you’re ready to get away from the office for good, a blog or website is a great way to start earning money from home. Check out my post Start a Profitable Blog Today for more details.

Raw Bits

healthy snack ideas. cut up veggies

  1. Carrots and Celery – hummus, nut butter or guacamole.
  2. Almonds – Try them slivered for extra-long munch time.
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Get Hired Fast With 12 Resume Secrets Approved By HR

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outsmart your recruiter

Five seconds… You have exactly five seconds to impress a recruiter with your resume. That’s not very much, is it? How does anyone get hired with such ridiculous standards? Answer: You tailor your resume to the job you actually want! With these recruiter tips, you will stand out amongst all the other candidates.

A recruiter might be sitting there with thousands of resumes sitting in front of them. All with similar qualifications. What will make your resume stand out so you can get hired? It comes down to some basics that you can implement today. Keep reading to find out what every recruiter is looking for.

To get hired, research your current responsibilities

If you don’t know how to describe your current position, check out the similar job postings on Indeed. A flood of programs, experiences, and situations from your present and past jobs will come back to you.

I guarantee that when you research your own position, you will think, ‘Oh, I did that.”

Think happy thoughts when updating your resume

Smell flowers, dance around, whatever it takes. Start thinking positively about what an awesome employee you are and all the great things you want to bring to your next job.

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Job Benefits You Already Earn and How To Take Advantage of Them

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How to use work freebies and save more money

Work perks and job benefits. How much are you missing out on?Your job benefits can get you ahead in life and your career if you use them correctly. From health and wellness to more education, the job benefits that aren’t mentioned or are considered ancillary are some of the best. 

If you really use your job benefits you can save hundreds.

These simple tips will ensure you are aware of all potential job benefits you can take advantage of.

1. Use Those Work Perks

Is there a small gym at work? Starting a new habit based on a work perk is a great way to take advantage of company offerings and keep yourself healthy. Stop wasting money on a gym membership and grab a cubicle buddy to use what’s already provided.

Does your office have a great view? Take a few minutes every day to appreciate it and better yet… take a 15 minute walk around your campus everyday.

Is there free coffee and tea at work? You can save massive amounts of money by skipping the trip to the coffee shop for your daily latte.

A lot of offices will have discounted soda and snacks but what about green tea? The health benefits of green tea are awesome, and the antioxidants will help your long-term health.

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How to Deal With a Difficult Coworker and Tips to Shine

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Avoid these job busting personality traits! Stop making enemies in the office once and for all. Learn how to not be a difficult coworker. #hrapproved #hr #career #jobIt’s hard to be at work and it’s definitely difficult to be around people you haven’t chosen to be around ie coworkers. At your job, you are dealing with lots of personalities and various perceptions. Are you that difficult coworker or is it someone else? 

These are the personalities to avoid, and how to deal with being in the presence of someone who is negative.

If you’re guilty, it’s time to take a step back and start taking positive steps to better your situation. Negativity is just damaging your life, you are never stuck in a job remember that.

Difficult Coworker Trait #1. The Complainer

It might feel natural to talk about your frustrations with your coworkers. No one wants to be around the person that is constantly negative. No one needs to be reminded everyday that they’re underpaid, that their commute is too far, or that employee breaks aren’t long enough, so give everyone a break.

Everyone is dealing with their own lives and own doubts, try to foster a positive work environment by skipping the bashing and focusing on what you are gaining through your current opportunity. This will keep you on track and motivated to make your next step up.Keep reading