Common Interview Questions to Practice

Get hired now! Interview questions to practice

Are you preparing for an interview? You better get the answers to those basic interview questions on lockdown! You know why you are looking for a job and you know why you left your last job. Why do these basic questions trip up so many people during the interview process? It’s because you aren’t prepared. There are a few key interview questions to practice and I’m going to share them. Not being prepared for routine questions is giving the recruiter an excuse to throw your resume away, DESPITE ALL YOUR QUALIFICATIONS!

With interview questions to practice, you’ll be prepared with the right answers.

Interview questions are always basic and standard. A recruiter will catch you off guard if you haven’t done your due diligence in tactics to get hired. Nope, it’s the harsh reality. We live in a world where we routinely send out 20 resumes a day when looking for a … I’ve been there. It’s not always feasible to research each position, but when a recruiter reaches out to you to schedule a phone screen, it’s time to get to work.

Interview Question 1 – What Interests You About Working Here?

Research the Company’s Core Values and Mission.

The recruiter wants to hear more than: “I need money, and the location is pretty convenient.”Keep reading

Get a Promotion with Real HR Tips to Help Your Career

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Get a promotion by avoiding these annoying office habits

Want to get a promotion? I’ll bet you do! If you are motivated it’s absolutely possible. Just make sure you aren’t guilty of any of these career busting habits. If you are, have no fear there is plenty of time to clean up and get a promotion asap. 

You’re probably not even aware that you are guilty of these work sins and how they are affecting your career… but I’m here to help enlighten you with some quick career advice.

It’s easier to get a promotion when people like you

I said it, i’s just a fact. These tips will clue you into the things that might be poisoning your promotion possibilities in the office.

Do You Speak Badly About Co-Workers and Get Cliquey?

That’s a no-no. You might gain temporary friends, but you’ll lose trust quickly. 

Instead of speaking poorly about someone, just walk away. It’s easy to get wrapped up in drama but managers absolutely notice where negativity stems from. If negativity is stemming from a few ‘friends’ management will take action to break up the party. If you want to get a promotion you have to be and appear above that.

At work, it’s important to be looked at as an individual that gets along with everyone but not necessarily everyone’s best friend.Keep reading