Recruiter Side Hustle Achieve Remote Work Freedom

I’ve been recruiting for 11 years and I can’t wait to share all my recruiter side hustle secrets. You might think “and… why would you share all your money-making secrets?” I’ll tell you exactly why; there is enough opportunity to go around for EVERYONE! A change of career or a recruiter side hustle is a great way to earn money for anyone. 

Recruiting will never go out of style, it’s an essential part of every business and there is so much money to be made through recruiting. It doesn’t matter if you are working as a freelance recruiter or working for a corporation, the skills for success are equally the same. 

Recruiting is a very positive work experience. Every time you contact someone, they are grateful and appreciative that you are reaching out to them.  It doesn’t matter what the job is or the pay scale; you can be the answer to someone’s prayer. It feels really good to offer hope and employment. The right candidate matched with the right job is very rewarding. You will feel uplifted day in day out.

How do I make money as a recruiter?

There are several ways to make money, all of which you control.Keep reading

18 Purse Essentials You Need Everyday For an Organized Life

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Everyday purse essentials.Keep your life in your bag! These 18 everyday purse essentials will get you through almost any situation or crisis and keep you prepared for all of life’s surprises. I hate being without something, and I especially hate having to ask a stranger for a handout.

The first thing is to get yourself an awesome purse that will carry your items through multiple scenarios! My favorite style of purse is a tote bag with an added shoulder strap. Not always the easiest to find, but a strap is something you can easily add.

You’ll be able to carry all your items, possibly even your laptop plus the weight strain will be alleviated from the strap.

Purse Essentials Start With The Perfect Work Tote

A nylon work bag is ideal. It’s durable and sturdy. 

perfect work tote

1. Comfy Foldable Shoes 

I love Silky ToesWhat do we do to our feet? Really in the name of vanity? LOL. Save your toesies and your shoes. If your feet are hiding under your desk, you might as well be comfortable. 

Silky Toes come in tons of different colors, they fold up and even come in their own little silk bag.Keep reading

17 Habits of Successful People

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Inspirational tips and tricks to achieve success. Great guide for change #success #inspiration #girlboss #womenSuccessful people do things a little bit differently, don’t they? You’ve seen the confidence, that little pep in someone’s step. With the right state of mind, you can achieve success too. Habits of successful people are easy to learn and fun to implement. 

I wanted to know the habits of successful people and what they did to help achieve success.

With tweaks to your everyday habits, anything is possible. This is what I discovered…

1. Successful People Appreciate Mentorship

We can’t know it all, but other people have a lot more experience than we do. Use that!

If someone is willing to give you unsolicited advice listen. Even if you aren’t interested you get a look inside their pitch.

Every interaction is an opportunity to learn, and mentorship can mean so much more than simple tips. It can lead to a lifestyle change.

Your realtor, financial agent, accountant and peers all have a wealth of information. Be open-minded and appreciative if someone shares their wisdom.

2. Achieve Success By Avoiding Guilt

Your friends, coworkers, and family don’t control what you do. If anyone is bringing guilt into your life they are bringing negativity.

When you do want to say ‘no’, avoid excuses and too much information.Keep reading

Simple Life Tips That Will Help You Feel Healthy and Happy

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4 Ways Moderation Will Help You Manage Your Busy life. The Rising DamselSimple Life Hacks to Feel Healthy and Happy. Free Printables for Positive Life Changes. #simplelifehacks #livehappier #livehealthier #tipsforsuccess #liveafulfilledlife #tipsforwomen Simple Life Hacks to Feel Healthy and Happy. Free Printables for Positive Life Changes. #simplelifehacks #livehappier #livehealthier #tipsforsuccess #liveafulfilledlife #Personaldevelopment #Selfcareideas #Goalsetting #Worklifebalance #LifeisgoodDriving yourself crazy with all your self-imposed expectations? Constantly trying to achieve too much and finding yourself too busy and too stressed to enjoy life?

How much money is enough? How much exercise should you really be doing? Are you always on a diet?

Are you taking time to enjoy yourself along the way? Or are you caught up in life’s turmoil and don’t even know it?

You’re unique and you should not conform to anyone else’s standards. You deserve simplicity if it’s what you want.

It’s time to assess what you want deep down out of your life.

With the right state of mind and a little positivity you can accomplish your dreams. 

Here are some important questions to ask yourself, because it is possible to chill out and reset your lifestyle…reset your body and your mind.

1. A Simple Life Means Paying Attention to Your Diet, Food, and Nourishment.

Healthy happy simple life tips that will make you happy and fulfilled. The Rising Damsel

4 Easy Ways to Live a More Healthful Simple Life Starting Today. The Rising Damsel

Our crazy diet lives….We are bombarded with food choice temptations on every street corner. It seems to be a really lucrative way to get into people’s pockets.

Have you tried every single diet that’s out there? Basically… heck yeah! They might work…That is until you get sick of them and you give into your cravings and live your life.Keep reading

Must Have Personal Care Products Every Woman Needs

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Gift guide! 6 personal care products every classy woman needs to save more cash.Wasting too much money on beauty? Get glam and save. Personal care products for women.It’s the little things! Cutting 5 minutes here, and saving $10 there. Personal care products can apply to a lot. We’re all out for the best deal, but how about saving some time while you’re at it? These are exactly what everyone woman needs to revamp and save on beauty. 

Shortcuts can make your life easier, and some products are designed to help. I use these great items daily and couldn’t imagine my life or clothes without them. Class up your wardrobe, feel more put together and save money in the long run. 

Do you have time for extra appointments? I don’t! You can save a lot of time, cash and frustration by avoiding some obligatory outings and diy-ing them at home.

These go-to items will make your life easier, classier and cleaner. These 6 Items are what every woman needs to revamp their daily routine and save. Items every working woman needs. 6 Revamp your routine! The Rising Damsel

Dress Shield Sweat Protectors to Avoid Extra Trips to the Dry Cleaners

Protect your shirts from perspiration. Your body needs to sweat but if it’s excessive, use a natural dress shield instead of a deodorant full of chemicals.

These will keep extra moisture and odor off of your clothes and keep you from needless excess clothes washing. Keep reading