How to Get a New Job After Being Fired For No Reason

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What To Do When a Company Downsizes and You're Fired. Tips from HR. The Rising DamselMany of us find ourselves jobless at no fault of our own. It could be a company downsize or many, many other factors completely out of our control. Even if it makes absolutely no sense, you got fired for no reason and that’s ok! Utilize this gift of freedom to better your life and not let sadness take over.

I was recently fired for no reason (the real reason being the company sold and the existing employees weren’t part of the deal.) You know what though? The scariest part was the forced change that was thrust upon me.

In my comfort and security, I was too afraid to make a move despite not being the happiest at my job. Change is uncomfortable and it is not always welcomed or expected… but it’s necessary to be proactive, learn to cope and grow from it. When we are fired for no reason or for something out of our control it can seem like a real blow, but with my tips you will be ready to take on another company in no time. 

Cut Ties But Don’t Burn Bridges When You Are Fired For No Reason

Collect as many recommendations as you possibly can as these give your accommodations credibility.Keep reading