31 Days of Happy Life Tips to Feel More Fulfilled Now

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Live a happy life tipsHappy life tips to make a real difference todayGuess what? There’s a pretty good chance you aren’t living your life to its fullest potential. We ignore our emotions, so many of us live exhausted and barely get through the day. Feeling fulfilled is not on the menu. It might seem daunting at first but when you start taking steps to live a happy life, you will notice an immediate positive shift towards reaching your goals. 

It’s a harsh reality that many get stuck in the mud of life, but you can live a happy life! 

If you look in the mirror everyday and wonder where the hours and years went, you can change that perception in a matter of minutes. There are so many ways to affect and affect your life on a day-to-day basis. Opening your heart to change and positivity is the first step. You can live your dream life.

Ready to start taking steps towards a happy life and:

  • Structure your life for success
  • Create healthy habits for you and your family
  • Takeoactive actions for lasting change

Day 1. Nurse Your Dreams

What is there to be afraid of? Do you want to be a photographer, and everyone gives you negative feedback?Keep reading

We Have Been Nominated for The Liebster Award

The Liebster Award. The Rising DamselI have been Liebster’d! Thank you to Paula from The Value of a Moment for nominating me. The Liebster provides an amazing opportunity for fellow bloggers to engage each other in an ever evolving community. Paula has asked me to answer 5 questions so that you all can get to know my blog a little bit better. I hope you enjoy, and don’t forget to check out my nominees at the bottom of the post.

  • Describe your perfect day.

Well if we are talking perfect, we are talking about waking up in France. I crave freedom from corporations. Blogging all day in a café is the end plan. The culture in Europe is so inspiring, living abroad is something I’ve always desired. We would definitely partake in the fresh markets and vibrant lifestyle, snapping pictures and living a dream life. Blogging will always be a huge part of me, so the perfect day would also incorporate some sort of giveaway to help my fellow bloggers grow their reach and traffic.

  • What is your WHY behind your blog?

I want to help people and I want to be independent. A blog provides the perfect medium for us all to do both. I originally started with a craft blog.Keep reading

100 Best Hashtags for Likes and Follower + Free Hashtag Tracker

Updated January 12th, 2020
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Massive List Of best Hashtags. Hashtag guide.Previously, I was under the impression that since I didn’t frequent Twitter or instagram, using hashtags wouldn’t help me get the word out. Well obviously that thinking was wrong! When it comes to hashtags there are good ones and then there are the best hashtags for likes. I’m here to share the best hashtags.

When you are on social media you need to make everything as ‘sticky’ as possible. Hashtags are like free tags for the entire internet. Denying their usefulness is ignoring potential.

These are the best hashtags for likes and followers. Don’t forget to pin for later.

Use my best hashtags to skyrocket your traffic, and don’t forget my printables as an extra bonus! Below I share my most effective hashtags for growth, along with a free program to make your life easier.

Are you looking for a lucrative affiliate program to join? Sign up for Recruiting Skills Made Simple as an Affiliate and start earning 30% on every sale! Get all the details here and start earning now! Recruiting Skills Made Simple helps someone start a new recruiting career from scratch! It’s fully accredited by the Society of Human Resources and guaranteed to guide you through a new recruiting career or side hustle! Keep reading

Real Tips to Earn Money While You Get in Shape

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How to get healthy and make money. 20+ ways that make a difference to your wallet. The Rising Damsel #health #earn #burn #wallet #finance #workout #healthylife
Never too rich or too thin. If you need some extra cash check out these side jobs that will keep your body moving. With these get fit jobs you can earn more money while you get in shape.

First, think outside the box as to where you can advertise your services. Perhaps start with your local gym, grocery store, coffee shop, recreation center, church, community center, school and library.

Online communities are great. Look on Facebook and see if your neighborhood and or school has a group page.  Often times you can buy, sell and trade on online boards. Within a centralized community, people are more apt to interact with each other and inquire about potential services offered.

1. Garage Sale Looter

You can clean up at a garage sale! Stock up on all sorts of odds and ends to sell as craft bundles on Etsy or Ebay. At one garage sale, I found 15 enamel brooches, circa 1990s for literally $1. To this day, I still wonder how much they would have fetched had I resold them on Ebay. You can get better deals at garage sales than at thrift stores, and… you can haggle!

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When Starting A New Job Use These Tips From HR for Success

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New Job? Make your first week a success!! The Rising Damsel #girlboss #careertips #success #newjob #firstweek #makemoney #careersuccess You might be nervous, new people, new things to learn, new situations to feel out, but it’s really not that hard to impress when you are starting a new job. 

I promise.

After all, of all the candidates you were selected, and you were selected for a reason. You have the skills, and management deemed you worthy of their culture. 

Starting a new job is one of my favorite times

It’s like returning to school after summer break, new and fresh. You can start out a superstar, even if you feel a little clueless!

These tips will ensure a smooth transition into the workforce whether you’re a new college grad or a seasoned work vet. Get into the swing of success. 

1. Boost Your Confidence

Congratulations are certainly in order! I hope that you landed your dream job!

Now that you have a start date, where and what have you been putting off? Has it been forever since you’ve gotten a haircut? Laundry piles everywhere?

Time to polish yourself up to feel super confident before starting a new job. Set a precedent for your appearance and your work ethic.

First impressions are always the most important.

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