New Job Tips From HR to Feel Confident and in Control

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how to look smarter and more confident than you feel. It’s not hard to earn a great reputation in the office when you remain calm and collected. You deserve that promotion, you are worth it! Use these tips to garnish respect from your peers and help you to appear smart and confident from day one. A new job is an exciting time, this is a chance to succeed and be happy.

1. Don’t Brag About Your Skills on the First Day of a New Job

When you brag, you open yourself up for criticism. People are more apt to judge and condemn an open book. Leave some mystery that people want to get to know instead of a loudmouth that has done everything.

If you don’t reveal too much then people won’t be able to put together just how much you’re lacking in knowledge.

2. Dress Smarter Than Before For A New Job

One way to be noticed is to dress above your position. It may feel really inconvenient to wear slacks when others are wearing spandex but it’ll pay off.

Even managers realize that when they are dressing down, but anyone can get into a funk! Dress above them.

Remember to put thought into your dress attire; revealing, low-cut tops aren’t meant for the office and neither are short skirts.Keep reading