Common Interview Questions to Practice

Get hired now! Interview questions to practice

Are you preparing for an interview? You better get the answers to those basic interview questions on lockdown! You know why you are looking for a job and you know why you left your last job. Why do these basic questions trip up so many people during the interview process? It’s because you aren’t prepared. There are a few key interview questions to practice and I’m going to share them. Not being prepared for routine questions is giving the recruiter an excuse to throw your resume away, DESPITE ALL YOUR QUALIFICATIONS!

With interview questions to practice, you’ll be prepared with the right answers.

Interview questions are always basic and standard. A recruiter will catch you off guard if you haven’t done your due diligence in tactics to get hired. Nope, it’s the harsh reality. We live in a world where we routinely send out 20 resumes a day when looking for a … I’ve been there. It’s not always feasible to research each position, but when a recruiter reaches out to you to schedule a phone screen, it’s time to get to work.

Interview Question 1 – What Interests You About Working Here?

Research the Company’s Core Values and Mission.

The recruiter wants to hear more than: “I need money, and the location is pretty convenient.”Keep reading

Boost Career Development With 8 Must Have Office Skills

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Must have office skills for career development

No matter where you are in your career, there is always the next step! Continuous career development ensures that you won’t get bored and you’ll get ahead just by riding that positivity.

When career development is at the forefront of your intentions, there is always a reason to work harder, because you are also working on yourself.

Take each of these office skills to heart. They are the qualifications that 9 out of 10 recruiters will be looking for and expect from you.

Career Development Starts with Being Familiar With Technology

There’s no excuse to not be tech-savvy at this point. The internet has now been around for over 40 years. Know the industry that you are in and cater your skills to what is up and coming. 

Good companies should be at the leading edge of what’s popular in technology. That means that you will be expected to be familiar with it too. Everything is digital now. Salesmen no longer open a phone book to stake out a neighborhood, they access their territory through an iPad and a google map pops up. It’s a  terrible shock to someone whose been out of the workforce for a while.

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14+ Home Office Must Haves For Maximum Productivity

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Home office must have items for Productive girl boss home officeI don’t know about you, but I love cute office supplies and when the proper tools are around I do better work. Home office must-haves will put you on track to earn money and enjoy your office while you do it.

These inspired home office must-haves will help you be productive and kick butt!

As adults, we can forget that “new backpack” excitement of an upcoming school year, but we deserve that too. I’m not going to lie, buying notebooks and pens makes me almost as excited as food!

When you’re in an office building, it’s not your fault you’re surrounded by drab carpet and manilla envelopes, but you can do something about it!

14 Cute office supplies for creativity. Flowers and coffee

It doesn’t have to cost a lot to get a cute office that will set your mood up for inspired work. Whether it’s a home office or a cubicle you should feel at home.

It’s hard enough to create, use these cute office supplies to heighten your mood and get your juices flowing!

1. Felt Board For Phrases Cute office supplies. Home office supplies for an inspired office! These items will make you more productive and comfortable which will allow you to earn more money from home! Live a healthful live in comfort and cuteness. Cute list of home of desk accessories + more #homeofficesupplies #homeoffice #officesupplies #organization #workathome #earnmoney #cuteitems #list #feltboard

Ever wonder where Instagram stars get their felt boards? You just found them! Use these felt boards for quotes, inspiration, Instagram pics or wall decor.Keep reading

How to Deal With a Difficult Coworker and Tips to Shine

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Avoid these job busting personality traits! Stop making enemies in the office once and for all. Learn how to not be a difficult coworker. #hrapproved #hr #career #jobIt’s hard to be at work and it’s definitely difficult to be around people you haven’t chosen to be around ie coworkers. At your job, you are dealing with lots of personalities and various perceptions. Are you that difficult coworker or is it someone else? 

These are the personalities to avoid, and how to deal with being in the presence of someone who is negative.

If you’re guilty, it’s time to take a step back and start taking positive steps to better your situation. Negativity is just damaging your life, you are never stuck in a job remember that.

Difficult Coworker Trait #1. The Complainer

It might feel natural to talk about your frustrations with your coworkers. No one wants to be around the person that is constantly negative. No one needs to be reminded everyday that they’re underpaid, that their commute is too far, or that employee breaks aren’t long enough, so give everyone a break.

Everyone is dealing with their own lives and own doubts, try to foster a positive work environment by skipping the bashing and focusing on what you are gaining through your current opportunity. This will keep you on track and motivated to make your next step up.Keep reading