The Rising Damsel’s Year End Review – Was Monetizing Worth It?

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The Rising Damsel's Monetization year end review. Was monetizing my blog worth it?Just amazing to me that my first year with a monetized blog is coming to a close.  ladies and gentlemen…persistence pays off. If you’re doubting yourself please keep reading.

When you want to give up… keep blogging. When you are sick of pinning 100’s of pins… keep pinning. You can succeed and you can make a huge difference in your life. Freedom from an office setting, and a life of living your dreams is within your grasp.

I started my blog because I wanted to help money driven people achieve their dreams. I never thought it would blossom into a full blown community of peers, all learning from each other.

Friends have been made and lots of change has occurred, my learning has never stopped.

What was Accomplished in December?

I Started to Freelance!

Freelancing would not have been possible without maintaining my blog through the hard times. You know the times when NO ONE is looking at your blog… yep… those fun times.

If you continue your education about the newest techniques and social media trends, you can always assist someone who is newer to the scene!

It’s important to continually think about the services you can offer as a blogger.Keep reading

How to Deal With a Difficult Coworker and Tips to Shine

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Avoid these job busting personality traits! Stop making enemies in the office once and for all. Learn how to not be a difficult coworker. #hrapproved #hr #career #jobIt’s hard to be at work and it’s definitely difficult to be around people you haven’t chosen to be around ie coworkers. At your job, you are dealing with lots of personalities and various perceptions. Are you that difficult coworker or is it someone else? 

These are the personalities to avoid, and how to deal with being in the presence of someone who is negative.

If you’re guilty, it’s time to take a step back and start taking positive steps to better your situation. Negativity is just damaging your life, you are never stuck in a job remember that.

Difficult Coworker Trait #1. The Complainer

It might feel natural to talk about your frustrations with your coworkers. No one wants to be around the person that is constantly negative. No one needs to be reminded everyday that they’re underpaid, that their commute is too far, or that employee breaks aren’t long enough, so give everyone a break.

Everyone is dealing with their own lives and own doubts, try to foster a positive work environment by skipping the bashing and focusing on what you are gaining through your current opportunity. This will keep you on track and motivated to make your next step up.Keep reading

How To Quit a Job – Use These HR Tips to Ensure Future Success

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Need To Quit Your Job? 8 steps you should always take before walking out the door. #hrapproved #hr #blog #job #careerHow to Quit a Job. HR tips for future successNo one should endure a job that they despise. There’s too much at stake! Your life is worth more than that! If you want to quit your job there’s a right way to do it and a very, very wrong way.

How to quit a job isn’t a mystery with HR on your side

Use these tips to ensure a smooth transition to your next big opportunity, maintain your reputation, and come out smelling like a rose.

Remember, a bad job can create a negative ripple effect that will influence your health and family. Don’t discredit your emotions, forty hours of misery will have consequences.

Change is hard and we feel obligated to the job and coworkers, but sometimes you have to put yourself first. 

You’ve made an investment in yourself and the company. When you consider walking away from a job, complete all the necessary steps to take advantage of the situation you are in, and set yourself up for the future. Here’s what to do when you absolutely hate what you’re doing.

1. Brush Up on Your Skills

I know it’s hard when you hate your job, but try to think about anything other than your job.Keep reading

How to Get a New Job After Being Fired For No Reason

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What To Do When a Company Downsizes and You're Fired. Tips from HR. The Rising DamselMany of us find ourselves jobless at no fault of our own. It could be a company downsize or many, many other factors completely out of our control. Even if it makes absolutely no sense, you got fired for no reason and that’s ok! Utilize this gift of freedom to better your life and not let sadness take over.

I was recently fired for no reason (the real reason being the company sold and the existing employees weren’t part of the deal.) You know what though? The scariest part was the forced change that was thrust upon me.

In my comfort and security, I was too afraid to make a move despite not being the happiest at my job. Change is uncomfortable and it is not always welcomed or expected… but it’s necessary to be proactive, learn to cope and grow from it. When we are fired for no reason or for something out of our control it can seem like a real blow, but with my tips you will be ready to take on another company in no time. 

Cut Ties But Don’t Burn Bridges When You Are Fired For No Reason

Collect as many recommendations as you possibly can as these give your accommodations credibility.Keep reading

When Starting A New Job Use These Tips From HR for Success

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New Job? Make your first week a success!! The Rising Damsel #girlboss #careertips #success #newjob #firstweek #makemoney #careersuccess You might be nervous, new people, new things to learn, new situations to feel out, but it’s really not that hard to impress when you are starting a new job. 

I promise.

After all, of all the candidates you were selected, and you were selected for a reason. You have the skills, and management deemed you worthy of their culture. 

Starting a new job is one of my favorite times

It’s like returning to school after summer break, new and fresh. You can start out a superstar, even if you feel a little clueless!

These tips will ensure a smooth transition into the workforce whether you’re a new college grad or a seasoned work vet. Get into the swing of success. 

1. Boost Your Confidence

Congratulations are certainly in order! I hope that you landed your dream job!

Now that you have a start date, where and what have you been putting off? Has it been forever since you’ve gotten a haircut? Laundry piles everywhere?

Time to polish yourself up to feel super confident before starting a new job. Set a precedent for your appearance and your work ethic.

First impressions are always the most important.

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