How to Deal With a Difficult Coworker and Tips to Shine

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Avoid these job busting personality traits! Stop making enemies in the office once and for all. Learn how to not be a difficult coworker. #hrapproved #hr #career #jobIt’s hard to be at work and it’s definitely difficult to be around people you haven’t chosen to be around ie coworkers. At your job, you are dealing with lots of personalities and various perceptions. Are you that difficult coworker or is it someone else? 

These are the personalities to avoid, and how to deal with being in the presence of someone who is negative.

If you’re guilty, it’s time to take a step back and start taking positive steps to better your situation. Negativity is just damaging your life, you are never stuck in a job remember that.

Difficult Coworker Trait #1. The Complainer

It might feel natural to talk about your frustrations with your coworkers. No one wants to be around the person that is constantly negative. No one needs to be reminded everyday that they’re underpaid, that their commute is too far, or that employee breaks aren’t long enough, so give everyone a break.

Everyone is dealing with their own lives and own doubts, try to foster a positive work environment by skipping the bashing and focusing on what you are gaining through your current opportunity. This will keep you on track and motivated to make your next step up.Keep reading