Ultimate Squat Challenge That Will Change How You Workout

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1 ounce 1 squat challenge health and wellness printable freebies I don’t reach for water, I reach for coffee or soda. Is that you too? The 1 oz 1 Squat Challenge motivated me to start taking little steps towards bigger health goals. There really has to be an easier, quicker way to squeeze in some extra exercise right? While we’re making healthy changes, upping water consumption sure would be great too right?

It’s not about just staying hydrated throughout the day or when you’re working out, it’s about your total health. Water will keep your skin plump and your digestive track on point and the added movement throughout the day will keep your blood pumping and your brain clear. This challenge is a win-win.

1 oz 1 Ultimate Squat Challenge

The challenge is simple, everytime you take a few gulps of water, do a few squats. Most of us don’t drink water regularly. This is your chance to retrain your brain to get active when you go for a sip.

At the very least we should be drink 64oz of water a day. That’s 8, 8oz glasses, which means 8 chances to do 8 squats. Or if you’re like me a random 5 squats here, 3 there, and 10 etc etc.Keep reading

Blog Income Report: How I made $331.32 Blogging Last Quarter

Blog Income Report. How I earned over $300 blogging! The Rising DamselHey guys! Ready for a blog income report? I can’t wait to share everything that happened in the last quarter! 

How did your quarter go? Were you able to reach your goals?

If you didn’t that’s ok! Consider writing a blog income report anyways. It will help you stay on track and let you know where you can make tweaks or improvements. 

Why Do I Write Income Reports?

Honestly? It’s inspirational and keeps me focused. 

This blog income report is evidence that you can still make money with a relatively new, small blog. Sometimes I forget that. A good excuse to add it all up is just what you need.

Blog stats also paint a great picture of what’s making your blog profitable.

Keep yourself motivated, money is an easy way to do it. 

Working and Earning at Home From a Blog Is Possible!

I hated being tied to an office and an unfulfilling job.

Blogging has allowed me to make my own rules and I’m the one in charge of my raises! One day it will be full time I know it. 

I hope that if you’re reading this you will consider starting a blog of your own. It’s a tremendously positive outlet even if you don’t want to monetize.Keep reading

Simple Life Tips That Will Help You Feel Healthy and Happy

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4 Ways Moderation Will Help You Manage Your Busy life. The Rising DamselSimple Life Hacks to Feel Healthy and Happy. Free Printables for Positive Life Changes. #simplelifehacks #livehappier #livehealthier #tipsforsuccess #liveafulfilledlife #tipsforwomen Simple Life Hacks to Feel Healthy and Happy. Free Printables for Positive Life Changes. #simplelifehacks #livehappier #livehealthier #tipsforsuccess #liveafulfilledlife #Personaldevelopment #Selfcareideas #Goalsetting #Worklifebalance #LifeisgoodDriving yourself crazy with all your self-imposed expectations? Constantly trying to achieve too much and finding yourself too busy and too stressed to enjoy life?

How much money is enough? How much exercise should you really be doing? Are you always on a diet?

Are you taking time to enjoy yourself along the way? Or are you caught up in life’s turmoil and don’t even know it?

You’re unique and you should not conform to anyone else’s standards. You deserve simplicity if it’s what you want.

It’s time to assess what you want deep down out of your life.

With the right state of mind and a little positivity you can accomplish your dreams. 

Here are some important questions to ask yourself, because it is possible to chill out and reset your lifestyle…reset your body and your mind.

1. A Simple Life Means Paying Attention to Your Diet, Food, and Nourishment.

Healthy happy simple life tips that will make you happy and fulfilled. The Rising Damsel

4 Easy Ways to Live a More Healthful Simple Life Starting Today. The Rising Damsel

Our crazy diet lives….We are bombarded with food choice temptations on every street corner. It seems to be a really lucrative way to get into people’s pockets.

Have you tried every single diet that’s out there? Basically… heck yeah! They might work…That is until you get sick of them and you give into your cravings and live your life.Keep reading

New Job Tips From HR to Feel Confident and in Control

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how to look smarter and more confident than you feel. It’s not hard to earn a great reputation in the office when you remain calm and collected. You deserve that promotion, you are worth it! Use these tips to garnish respect from your peers and help you to appear smart and confident from day one. A new job is an exciting time, this is a chance to succeed and be happy.

1. Don’t Brag About Your Skills on the First Day of a New Job

When you brag, you open yourself up for criticism. People are more apt to judge and condemn an open book. Leave some mystery that people want to get to know instead of a loudmouth that has done everything.

If you don’t reveal too much then people won’t be able to put together just how much you’re lacking in knowledge.

2. Dress Smarter Than Before For A New Job

One way to be noticed is to dress above your position. It may feel really inconvenient to wear slacks when others are wearing spandex but it’ll pay off.

Even managers realize that when they are dressing down, but anyone can get into a funk! Dress above them.

Remember to put thought into your dress attire; revealing, low-cut tops aren’t meant for the office and neither are short skirts.Keep reading

The Rising Damsel – First Income Report of the New Year

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This is our first income report of 2018! This year started by surprising me with a new job opportunity that I couldn't turn down. Wrapping my head around a new job and maintaining the blog forced me to start working more efficiently. Check out what kept me successful!This is our first income report of 2018! I absolutely can’t believe how fast the start of the new year flew by. Gone! Do you feel the same way? Is it just me? Am I old? Just kidding. But… it really did go by quickly! 

This year started by surprising me with a new job opportunity that I couldn’t turn down. Wrapping my head around a new job and maintaining the blog forced me to start working more efficiently.

I started taking in all the extra help I possibly could! Posting less often on the blog is hard and I still feel guilty. Despite my lack of posting, I maintained my social media accounts and as a result I’m still seeing steady continued growth. How? Tailwind!

If you’re interested in my complete pinning and social media strategy, I detail how to be successful in this post: How the Ultimate Social Media Scorecard can Skyrocket Your Traffic. I currently use use Tailwind to share 45+ pins but…go get the rest of the tips in the post. When you subscribe to the blog, you get access to The Social Media Scorecard, a one of a kind tool to track your growth.Keep reading