Job Benefits You Already Earn and How To Take Advantage of Them

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How to use work freebies and save more money

Work perks and job benefits. How much are you missing out on?Your job benefits can get you ahead in life and your career if you use them correctly. From health and wellness to more education, the job benefits that aren’t mentioned or are considered ancillary are some of the best. 

If you really use your job benefits you can save hundreds.

These simple tips will ensure you are aware of all potential job benefits you can take advantage of.

1. Use Those Work Perks

Is there a small gym at work? Starting a new habit based on a work perk is a great way to take advantage of company offerings and keep yourself healthy. Stop wasting money on a gym membership and grab a cubicle buddy to use what’s already provided.

Does your office have a great view? Take a few minutes every day to appreciate it and better yet… take a 15 minute walk around your campus everyday.

Is there free coffee and tea at work? You can save massive amounts of money by skipping the trip to the coffee shop for your daily latte.

A lot of offices will have discounted soda and snacks but what about green tea? The health benefits of green tea are awesome, and the antioxidants will help your long-term health.

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17 Inspired JK Rowling Quotes to Achieve Your Dreams

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17 Inspirational JK Rowling Quotes to Achieve Goals and Kick ButtMagic is everywhere! No matter how true that is, we all need extra inspiration sometimes! The world is beautiful and inspirational. JK Rowling quotes that empower your life will help to give you that little push when you’re ready to give up. 

JK Rowling Quotes have always been a source of reflection for me.

As a mom or business owner, we all need some added support! 

During tough times, we can look to the greats who have pulled themselves out of the darkness and into success despite setbacks, failures, and rejection. 

JK Rowling credits most of her success to a period of hitting rock bottom. From those depths, she created a world of wonder, one page at a time.

JK Rowling quotes are here to brighten your day.

17 Inspirational JK Rowling Quotes to Achieve Goals and Kick Butt. Whatever money you might have, self-worth really lies in finding out what you do best. Inspiration JK Rowling Quotes

Do you like your new handbag? Of course, I do….Does it make you genuinely happy? No. There’s a new ailment that confounds worth with wealth. Whoever said that money makes them happy is lying.

Unconventional paths are viewed as a less safe road traveled and people are pushing you to accumulate money rather than leading you to happiness or self-discovery. If JK Rowling was scared we would have missed out on a legacy.Keep reading

My Second Blog Traffic Report – The Rising Damsel

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Traffic Report 2nd Month Blogging. The Rising Damsel #blog #blogger #girlboss #diy #wahThroughout all of my blogging research, I most enjoy reading blogger’s income and traffic reports as a part of their monthly updates. They keep me motivated and I hope to do the same for you.

The birth of my blog was exciting and scary, in a most welcoming way. A little back story; I cut and ran from a blog I had worked on for six years. It was my longest relationship ever. Over time, my interests evolved and I found it increasingly difficult to produce quality content that I felt proud of. I wasn’t monetized, and I was spinning my wheels with stress and no reward. I knew that it was time to change direction and break free from my old blogging ball & chain. That’s when The Rising Damsel was conceptualized. It was a huge detour, however, the cost of liberating myself was minimal and the gain well worth it.

If you’re looking to make money off of your site, adding widgets, offering any services, or freelancing, self-hosting is a must. For $3.95 a month you can own your site and all its content through Bluehost. Run your own advertisements, sign up for affiliate networks, and start pulling in money for views you are already getting.Keep reading