18 Purse Essentials You Need Everyday For an Organized Life

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Everyday purse essentials.Keep your life in your bag! These 18 everyday purse essentials will get you through almost any situation or crisis and keep you prepared for all of life’s surprises. I hate being without something, and I especially hate having to ask a stranger for a handout.

The first thing is to get yourself an awesome purse that will carry your items through multiple scenarios! My favorite style of purse is a tote bag with an added shoulder strap. Not always the easiest to find, but a strap is something you can easily add.

You’ll be able to carry all your items, possibly even your laptop plus the weight strain will be alleviated from the strap.

Purse Essentials Start With The Perfect Work Tote

A nylon work bag is ideal. It’s durable and sturdy. 

perfect work tote

1. Comfy Foldable Shoes 

I love Silky ToesWhat do we do to our feet? Really in the name of vanity? LOL. Save your toesies and your shoes. If your feet are hiding under your desk, you might as well be comfortable. 

Silky Toes come in tons of different colors, they fold up and even come in their own little silk bag.Keep reading