Open Your Heart, Not Your Wallet – Keep That Jingle in Your Pocket Part 2

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The Friend Con. Don't Be a Side Hustle Victim. How to say no to your friends and their new side hustle. The Rising Damsel #moneysmart #savvy #friendhustle #savemoney #financeOk….friends…you gotta love em’, right?!

But…when it comes to them wanting that jingle in your pocket…are they friends or foes to your wallet? Why is it that the most casual of acquaintances depend so dearly on your appearance to one of their Tupperware, lingerie party, Mary Kay type events? It starts out with a seemingly sweet invite to their house for a glass of wine and after you accept with gratitude, then….bammmmm….your ‘friend’ informs you that 20 other people will be there and you will have such a fun night viewing skimpy lingerie!


Uhhhhh….now what do you do? Your head is swirling and your mind is spinning out of control trying to figure out how to get out of it?! You are thinking….but but but…I don’t wear skimpy lingerie! I don’t want skimpy lingerie! I can’t afford lingerie that will end up wadded up in the back of a drawer.

What You Really Want

I want my old worn out sweatshirt and sweatpants. I want to wear that one curler I wear on top of my head….I want my nice thick coat of night cream on my face when I sleep…I’m trying to save every extra penny for the vacation I’ve been dreaming about.Keep reading

17 Inspired JK Rowling Quotes to Achieve Your Dreams

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17 Inspirational JK Rowling Quotes to Achieve Goals and Kick ButtMagic is everywhere! No matter how true that is, we all need extra inspiration sometimes! The world is beautiful and inspirational. JK Rowling quotes that empower your life will help to give you that little push when you’re ready to give up. 

JK Rowling Quotes have always been a source of reflection for me.

As a mom or business owner, we all need some added support! 

During tough times, we can look to the greats who have pulled themselves out of the darkness and into success despite setbacks, failures, and rejection. 

JK Rowling credits most of her success to a period of hitting rock bottom. From those depths, she created a world of wonder, one page at a time.

JK Rowling quotes are here to brighten your day.

17 Inspirational JK Rowling Quotes to Achieve Goals and Kick Butt. Whatever money you might have, self-worth really lies in finding out what you do best. Inspiration JK Rowling Quotes

Do you like your new handbag? Of course, I do….Does it make you genuinely happy? No. There’s a new ailment that confounds worth with wealth. Whoever said that money makes them happy is lying.

Unconventional paths are viewed as a less safe road traveled and people are pushing you to accumulate money rather than leading you to happiness or self-discovery. If JK Rowling was scared we would have missed out on a legacy.Keep reading

How To Quit a Job – Use These HR Tips to Ensure Future Success

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Need To Quit Your Job? 8 steps you should always take before walking out the door. #hrapproved #hr #blog #job #careerHow to Quit a Job. HR tips for future successNo one should endure a job that they despise. There’s too much at stake! Your life is worth more than that! If you want to quit your job there’s a right way to do it and a very, very wrong way.

How to quit a job isn’t a mystery with HR on your side

Use these tips to ensure a smooth transition to your next big opportunity, maintain your reputation, and come out smelling like a rose.

Remember, a bad job can create a negative ripple effect that will influence your health and family. Don’t discredit your emotions, forty hours of misery will have consequences.

Change is hard and we feel obligated to the job and coworkers, but sometimes you have to put yourself first. 

You’ve made an investment in yourself and the company. When you consider walking away from a job, complete all the necessary steps to take advantage of the situation you are in, and set yourself up for the future. Here’s what to do when you absolutely hate what you’re doing.

1. Brush Up on Your Skills

I know it’s hard when you hate your job, but try to think about anything other than your job.Keep reading